Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Home Quarantine-10 steps

The following is from the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

1. Stay at home throughout the quarantine period. (As far as possible, stay in a separate room to minimize contact with members of household).

2. You are strictly not allowed to leave home to go to work, attend school, tuition, place of worship, parties, shopping, social gathering or being at any public places.

3. Practise good personal hygiene:
 Cover your nose and mouth with tissue, towel or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. Discard soiled tissue in the trash can.
 Frequently wash your hands with water and soap, especially after you cough or sneeze. Also wash your hands after touching your nose, mouth or eyes.
 Avoid sharing personal toiletries such as towels, handkerchief, etc. If possible, avoid sharing toilet facilities
 Make sure there is good ventilation in the premises where you are being quarantined.
 Surfaces such as floor and table top contaminated by discharge from the nose and mouth (droplets) should be disinfected by a chlorine-based detergent (for example chlorox - mix 1 part of chlorox with 49 parts of water).

4. If you develop fever and any flu-like symptoms and need to communicate with others, wear a mask.

5. Minimize contact with friends or relatives and avoid going to public places.

6. Monitor your body temperature and look out for symptoms of the disease daily for seven (7) days.

7. If staying alone, get help from relatives or friends to get food and essential items.

8. If you have visitors during this period, record their names, addresses and telephone numbers.

9. If at any time you feel unwell and have fever, IMMEDIATELY contact the nearest District Health Office.

10. Get the latest information on the development of the disease from the Ministry of Health website, radio, television and newspapers.

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