Saturday, December 26, 2009

Clause 5

Following the letter written by the shack housing folks at Sg. Plan Squatter Area, Tg. Kidurong, to the superintendant of Land & Survey Bintulu, the later had responded and ask the shack housing folks to fill a survey form, in which clause 5 says

“Saya, __________ (WNKP/Pasport : __________), (Ketua Rumah / Wakil Ketua Rumah)*, dengan ini mengaku bahawa, semua maklumat yang diberikan adalah benar dan tepat. Saya juga menyedari serta mengaku bahawa, bangunan yang saya diami kini adalah terletak di atas (tanah kerajaan / tanah rizeb kerajaan / tanah berhakmilik)* yang mana bukan merupakan milik saya. Oleh itu, saya akan berpindah dan meroboh bangunan yang saya diami ini dengan rela hati apabila kerajaan mengkehendaki saya berbuat demikian atau apabila saya telah memperolehi penempatan semula tanpa sebarang ganti rugi atau pampasan. Kerajaan mengekalkan hak dan kuasanya untuk mengambil tindakan di bawah bidang kuasanya jika saya gagal berbuat demikian.

__________________________ __________________________
Tandatangan Ketua Rumah / Wakil Tandatangan Saksi
Nama: Nama:
Tarikh: ”

The shack housing folk say that they cannot understand why they have to sign a clause like that, which all they ask for as anak Sarawak is for a place so they can move to, whether it be low cost housing, land lots or another temporary place.

Agreeing to clause ‘5’ is like signing a blank check, they say, as it does not give them a place to move to, but only surrendering their homes at the mercy of the authority concerned.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Written Answer Just Received for Question Asked in May 2009 Sitting on Garbage Collection at Sungai Plan Flat


YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing
N. 59 (Kidurong)

Question No. 8

To ask the Chief Minister: What are:

(a) The reasons for untidy garbage collection at Sungai Plan Flat where often rubbish are left uncollected outside the collected emptied garbage bins.

(b) Measures to be taken by the Ministry to ensure efficient garbage collections at Sungai Plan Flats area at all times?


Through the existing contractor, BDA has been collecting domestic waste twice a week from the Sungai Plan housing area including the flats. At the flats area, BDA has provided 39 garbage bins of various sizes. With such a capacity, it is more than enough to cater for the 216 units housed in nine blocks. They generate approximately 1000 kg of waste per day. There should not be an overflow of garbage.

As the area is a strata titled property, the developer – Sarawak Housing and Development Corporation (SPPS) has provided four workers to do the general cleaning including sweeping (twice a week) within the vicinity of Sungai Plan Flat. To improve the effectiveness of rubbish collection at Sungai Plan, BDA has built platforms for RORO bins. BDA will also work with the management of SPPS to ensure that littered garbage is scooped into the bins by the workers. BDA will also seek the cooperation of the residents there to keep the bin area clean by ensuring that the wastes are properly dropped into the bins. Notices and signs to this effect will be put up.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Written Answer Just Received for Question Asked in May 2009 Sitting on Traffic Alleviation for Parkcity Commerce Square Area


YB Chiew Chiu Sing
N. 59 (Kidurong)

Question No. 4

To ask the Chief Minister: To state:

(a) The measures that will be taken to resolve the double and triple junction situations between Phase II and III at Parkcity Commerce Square. These junctions are very difficult and conducing for road users.

(b) Whether the Ministry will improve the general traffic situations at the Parkcity Commerce Square with more traffic signboards and more conspicuous road signs or lines.


Parkcity Commercial area is a new prime commercial area within the central business district of Bintulu. The traffic flow there as done in accordance to the approved plan. It is a large area with some parts yet to be completed, much as the new bus terminal and food court. With a hotel and shopping mall already in operation, the traffic in the area is rather heavy. Marking and road-lining as well as traffic signage have been done to ensure that traffic flow is properly regulated.

In the capacity of Chairman of the Divisional Road Safety Council, the Resident of Bintulu has called a meeting and a site visit last month to study the traffic flow in the area. BDA has proposed to the divisional council a new traffic flow pattern including improving bottlenecks. The proposal was approved and awaiting implementation. By then, appropriate and standard road signs will be put up to ensure that there is no more difficulty and confusion among motorists.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Written Answer Just Received for Question Asked in May 2009 Sitting on Drain Cleaning in Bintulu Town and RPR/Kidurong

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing
N. 59 (Kidurong)

Question No. 3

To ask the Chief Minister: The schedule of drain flushing/cleaning for:

a) The old Bintulu Town and Taman Sri Dagang
b) Parkcity Commerce Square
c) Medan Jaya Commercial Centre
d) RPR Kidurong Phase II


The schedule of drain flushing/cleaning in all four areas raised by YB from Kidurong is done monthly. All commercial areas like in the first three areas are done by BDA direct labour and equipment whereas residential areas like RPR Kidurong is done by BDA contractors as part of the grass-cutting contract.

Other than scheduled cleaning, immediate action will be carried out in the case of blockage especially after a heavy rain or a complaint raised by any member of the public. So far, BDA was able to follow the schedule of cleaning in commercial areas. It must be noted that even though grease traps are already in use, drains are still greasy due to the presence of many food outlets in the town area.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Minister reply to Kidurong State Assemblyman Chiew Chiu Sing on compensation for land of Rh Chaong, acquired for building Kelalong Dam – Nov. 2009 Sit

Minister reply to Kidurong State Assemblyman Chiew Chiu Sing on compensation for land of Rh Chaong, acquired for building Kelalong Dam – Nov. 2009 DUN Sitting.

Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kidurong, semua pampasan ke atas tanah-tanah yang terlibat dengan projek Empangan Kelalong iaitu tanah berhak milik dan tanah yang tertakluk kepada tuntutan Hak Adat Bumiputera yang sahih telah dibayar kepada penduduk yang terlibat pada tahun 2002. Jumlah pampasan yang telah dibayar ialah RM 792,900.92.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kidurong, berlandaskan rekod Jabatan Tanah dan Survei Bahagian Bintulu, pengambilan balik tanah dalam tahun 2002 cuma melibatkan tuntutan penduduk dari 16 buah rumah panjang iaitu Rumah Mujah, Rumah Aso Rumah Janting, Rumah Lawang, Rumah Empeni, Ruman Robert, Rumah Gawan, Rumah Anggang, Rumah Tubom, Rumah Enturan, Rumah Jackson, Rumah Tambi, Rumah Janop, Rumah Inau, Rumah Chendang dan Kampung Penan. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa tiada tuntutan daripada penduduk Rumah Chaong.