Friday, December 23, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Pakatan Rakyat 2012 Alternative Budget-Specific Programs for the Dayak Community PR
Pakatan Rakyat 2012 Alternative Budget-Specific Programs for the Dayak Community PR
Sarawak proposes the following allocations for programs which are targeted at the Dayak community:
(i) The establishment of a Dayak Welfare Fund to the tune of RM50 million. This fund will be utilised for medical assistance to poor Dayaks, to rebuild homes destroyed by fire and other natural disasters, to care for abandoned Dayak senior citizens, for the supply of water tanks, pumps and pipes for longhouses and to repair dilapidated homes.
(ii) RM20 million will be allocated to the Ministry of Tourism and Heritage to preserve Dayak cultural heritage and traditions including the building of a Dayak Cultural Centre, collection and publication of oral traditions and histories, development grants for academic research into Dayak cultural practices and traditions and incentives for the publication of Dayak literature.
(iii) RM80 million will be allocated to the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management to carry out the perimeter survey, to issue land titles to these landowners and for legal assistance in legal disputes with plantation groups and other companies which may also want to stake claims to this land.
(iv) An additional allocation of RM250 million will be provided to the Ministry of Modernization of Agriculture to provide financial and technical support to the Dayak community for crop planting activities on NCR land.
(v) RM80 million is proposed to establish a SADA Entrepreneur Development Unit under the Chief Minister's Department with the expressed objective to develop the entrepreneur skills of the Dayaks in the marketing and sales of agriculture produce and retail goods.
(vi) To uplift the education level of Dayak students and to ensure Dayaks are competent in various professional and technical fields, a SADA Education Fund of RM100 million is proposed. This includes a special scholarship for Dayaks from poor families to enjoy tertiary education.
A total of RM580 million is therefore identified under these initiatives which will benefit the Dayak community.
Chiew Chin Sing.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Budget Speech DUN November 2011 Sitting (Chinese Version)
吉都隆路是民都鲁两条交通要道之一,几乎是每个人每天必经之路。它是 民都鲁 及我国经济命脉。没有这条路,将没有液化天然气生产,也意味着将断了联邦主要财政收入,甚至会致使我国经济破产。没有了它,SCORE将停步不前,因为已没有其他可取代之通路,除非是走水路或空路,但这将耗费不菲,既然如此为何不干脆建第三车道。这就是我再三呼吁把吉都隆路提升至三车道甚至四车道公路的原因。
还有连接所有住宅区的内部道路呢?我认为这是重要的,至少在这之间还有其他另外的通道,而不是仅有敦胡先路一条通道。有关部门是否能告诉本议会这些内部的道路网及衔接Tun Hussein 路两旁住宅区的道路情形。而且该部门能否关注修补和重铺丹绒巴都,Durin Tembaga路,Gorent花园门牌556P屋旁的一小段路。
在7月,我接到美里电力局职员的来电!说他在美里找不到吉都隆支路的Daikin 工厂。他当然找不着,我告诉他,这是在民都鲁而且他是否能把事项转到民都鲁。
当然,电公司人员的工作不仅仅是更换烧毁的灯泡或调整不亮的路灯,同时也需要注意何处需要路灯或增加照明。例如连接Sg. Plan徙置区地段到Sg. Plan店屋和公寓的90度弯的道路。这段300公尺长的路,是数千居住在Sg. Plan第2期到第5期排屋居民和数千居住在公寓居民的必经之路,然而这段路却全路无路灯!该处居民热切希望能马上装置路灯。有关部门能否也关注在格盟那工业区近木炭厂的一枝电灯柱,柱号码为KIE46,它是否被拉得太紧到要倒了,而其支撑的电线也已经松垮了!
另一项是大型载泥车和其他卡车进入住宅区。我必须感谢民都鲁发展局有要求载泥土承包商经过MLNG住宅区减速驾驶,竖立减速 道路告示牌。我吁请经营这行业者认真看待此事,我仍然见到一些回程的空车,高速驾驶过这些住宅区。
穿过Jade Garden经过Bandar Jaya花园及其他地区的大型载泥车,情况也复如此。那里的居民申诉,这些卡车车速太快。在好天气是造成尘土飞扬,雨天则因落下的泥土而污污浊不堪。住宅区的道路也被破坏了。
议长先生,越来越多车辆在同一地点停泊多年,在许多的小购物区的商店停车位,如Berjaya商业中心、Desadamai商业中心、Taman Ria 商业中心及其他等地方。有许多车辆就此被遗弃,这不仅是占据所需的停车空间,更是不卫生和碍眼。我呼吁有关部会对此采取行动。
政府是否再次如同发展民都鲁市镇一样, 以每亩地很底的赔偿,取去甘榜人民的土地,然后把地给予私人发展商建立整座市镇,今天每个商业店位卖一百万令吉?为何政府不能把原地主招揽进来,让他们成为城市发展的一份子,并且与他们共享发展带来的利润。这难道不是让甘榜人民富起来的机会吗。
再说,为何政府只取瓜拉士米拉扎人民的土地, 而不给予人民一些土地。就如申请在瓜拉的甘榜土地的那些一样。159人在2007年呈上申请,这本就是,但部长说没有记录。不仅是Samalaju工业或市镇发展需要土地,人民同样的也需要土地。
当在征收 没有地契的土地时,特别是乡区土地,政府却发出有关土地临时地契给一些公司,如乡村土地,然后要公司驱逐居住在那些土地上人民,说他们已经非法入侵土地。就如民都鲁Padan,Sg.Binyo, Sengok长屋的习俗地,那里的人民在他们的习俗地,种了4.8公顷的油棕树,土地局在2011年8月17日发函要他们空出和搬离该片土地,说该土地已分配并做为Sg. Binyo, Kawasan EID的森林种植计划之用。
马来西亚地球之友(SAM)一个独立的国际性组织,宣扬反破坏马来西亚环境及破坏我们珍贵无价的资源,其主席S.M.Mohamed Idris在2011年8月23日致给土地局的国文信说,
Pertamanya Penduduk Rumah Sengok adalah dari kaum Iban yang mempunyai hak Native Customary Rights (NCR) keatas Wilayah Sempadan Tanah Pemakai Menoa mereka secara sah. Mereka telah sekian lama mempunyai kebebasan untuk mempratikkan cara tradisi hidup mereka dalam kawasan Sg. Satai, Pandan, sebelum kedatangan Rajah Brooke dahulu. Kami difahamkan bahawa mereka mempunyai rekod dan dokumentasi sejarah yang jelas sebagai bukti untuk menyokong hak NCR mereka di kawansan pemakai menoa mereka.
又例如,民都鲁Sg.Plan, Similajau路10公里处,甘榜Sg.Melaban的居民,他们也需要土地。他们从2005年至今,都在申请甘榜土地,可是今天他们却接到砂劳越纸浆工业有限公司的信,要他们空出土地。显然的有人的申请比人民的份量更重。为什么说公司而不是人民获分得土地?
又或者那些住在吉都隆民都鲁发展局pasir putih木屋区的.内地人民,以及对面路Sg.. Plan木屋区,共约500户的家庭。这些木屋区民从新民都鲁诞生就存在至今。他们申请土地,以便有栖身之所,以建立自己的家园。但到今天,政府仍然没有给他们回音,除了公司说这些土地已是他们的,人民必须离开。但要他们去哪里?
Assykirim商业中心,美丹再也的人民以及甘榜Assykirim和Fortune Park 花园的民众都非常担心他们地区在这雨季,即将到来的水患。这事情我在2010年5月和2011年的立法会议都提及,但到今天什么都还没有做。
Ambau Anak Uding先生的屋子离Sg. Sebemban桥大约是一百码。这个桥是,靠达岛边於民都鲁/达岛公路30公里处。他要求工务局在他家入口处的桥下安置涵洞。因为,较早时工务局拓宽他家入口路傍的沟渠时报,把他旧的涵洞移走了,并说他们过后会安置更大的涵洞,但至今还不见有任动静。拓宽工程不仅弄坏了他的桥,更在他的土地上造成土崩及道路随时会塌陷。我呼吁工务局急速采取行动,以免发生不幸事件。
Budget Speech DUN November 2011 Sitting (English Version)
Mr. Speaker,
Over the past years and for several times in this August House, I have raised the issue of the importance of adding a third lane to the Kidurong Road. This issue is getting to be more important now than ever. Every working day whether it is early morning or in the evening the road is jammed packed. What used to be a half a kilometer of jam, is now a kilo meter long and if the situation is not dealt with immediately it will get longer and longer and could jeopardize or even paralyses our country’s economy.
Kidurong road is one of the two most important roads in Bintulu and almost everybody there use this road every day. It is the main artery of the economy of Bintulu if not the country’s. Without which there would be no LNG production which means cutting off the major single income artery of the Federal coffer and could even bleed bankrupt our nation’s economy in no time. Without which, SCORE will come to a stand still as there are just no better ways of getting there, unless one go by boat or helicopter, but if with all that much trouble and costs, why not just build the third lanes then. That is why I urge again and again that the Kidurong road be up graded with a third lane, or even better a fourth lane as well.
Then again, we cannot just rely on a single route travelling between Bintulu and Tg. Kidurong, just in case something happens, you know what I mean, we could all get trapped. So apart from the Kidurong road, the need for building an alternative road for one to go from town to Tg. Kidurong is vital. And could the Ministry please enlighten the House on the progress of this, the priority of the works for this alternate route and the allocation for this important works.
Mr. Speaker,
Just now I mentioned about the two most important roads in Bintulu which almost everybody uses everyday. The name of the other road is Jalan Sultan Iskandar to Tun Hussein Onn Road, connecting the town to Mile six of the Bintulu /Miri road which has about 60 percent of the housing estates along the road. We need to build a third lane to this road immediately as well, and the works must not wait any longer anymore, something has to be done quickly to alleviate the traffic jam there each day.
And how about the inter connecting inside roads, between all the housing estates in this area ? I believe this is important, so that at least there are other routes to get around, instead of using the just one main road, the Tun Hussein Road. And could the Minister enlighten the House also on the progress of these inner road networks and its connectivity within this whole housing estates area. Also could the Ministry see to the repair and tar seal the short stretch of road beside house No. 556P Taman Gorent, Jalan Durian Tembaga, Tg. Batu.Bintulu.
Mr. Speaker,
During the 2009 May sitting, I have brought up the issue of the double and triple junction situations for roads between Phase II and III of the Parkcity Commerce Square in Bintulu. The junctions are very difficult to use and confusing to road users and accidents often occur. The road lines had all faded for so long already and there are hardly any road signs around either.
The Honourable Minister of Environment and Public Health then said that a proposal had been approved and awaiting implementation. But up to this day the situation there is still the same, confusing and dangerous to road users as ever while not one bit of works has begun !
Mr. Speaker, this is not just about difficulty and confusion at the junction, it is about accidents and accidents cause lives. I wish to urge that the Minister to look into this matter quickly and to make sure that improvement works is done so that the junctions are safe to use and hopefully, accidents free.
The situation at the junction in front of Farley Super market and Shell Gas Station at Medan Jaya commercial centre is about the same also. There are those coming down from the Long Distance Bus station wishing to go straight or turn right to go to Farley Super Market, and those coming in from the Kidruong road wanting to go straight or make a right turn to the Happy Garden Restaurant area, and those coming out from the Happy Garden Restaurant area wanting to make a left or right turn or going straight, and the same for those coming out from the Farley Super market, all converging at one point, at the entrance of the Shell Gas Station. The situations had been like that for many years already and had been often high lighted in the news, yet nothing is done either.
Presently there are no road lines there nor any sign boards and it really is a big headache for road users there if not an accident trap, could the Honourable Minister look into this matter urgently also.
Mr. Speaker,
On June 10 and that is about five months ago, I have filed in a case with Talikhidmat, the Public Service Help Line about the street lightings from the Daikin factory to CMS factory, off Jalan Kidurong at the 10th KM of the Kidurong Road, Bintulu, the street lightings there are still not working. No lights at nights and many have complained that it is really dangerous driving there at nights especially for those who are on night shifts. But up to this day the situation is still the same, no lights at night.
I have in July received a call from SESCO staff in Miri! saying that he could not find Daiken Factory off the Kidurong road in Miri. Of course not, I told him that it is in Bintulu and if he could please help to re-route it there.
Not too long after that, I got another call from SESCO saying that it is not under them, it is BDA’s. Mr. Speaker, many of us, as layman cannot get into that details of the jurisdictions of works! all we want is, to report the problem and have the problem solved, and I urge that the authorities to work out among themselves so that a matter reported can be sorted out and solved quickly such that we can really live up to the motto of the Public Service Help Line, ‘Your call could make a difference’ and I believe that too !
May be it is still this confusion, that today, so many street lights by the stretch are not working in Bintulu like that at the above mentioned area, airport road, mile 5 area Bintulu/Miri road, Nyabau road near the Hospital, road in front of, besides and in the Teacher’s Quarters, near SMK Kidurong , Jalan Sultan Iskandar near the church area, Tua Pek Kong side of the Jalan Masjid in town and other areas. These are lights not working at night by the stretch not to mention those that are burnt out or what, here and there.
Could the Ministry concerned please look into this also, and there is no need to wait till a complain is brought up to Talikhmat and only then action taken, but to be proactive and to go around and check for one self and rectify the problem even before a complain is made.
Of course the job of the electrical people is not just in replacing burnt out bulbs or fixing streets lights that are not working, but also to see where streets lightings or additional streets lightings are needed, like for example the right angled road connecting the Sg. Plan Resettlement Lots to the Sg. Plan Shop House and Flat , the stretch of about 300 meters of right angled road, used by thousands of people of Sg. Plan Terrace Housing from Phase 2 to Ph 5 and the thousands living in flats but are all without street lighting at that road! It is the fervent hope of the people there that the road there be installed with street lightings immediately. And would the ministry also look into the over stressed Belian electric post at the Kemena Industrial Estate, near the charcoal factory, post no KIE 46, the stay wire is hanging loose too !
Mr. Speaker,
More and more big trucks and trailers are on the road these days and it is a good signs that things are moving, business is running and people have work. But coming along with that are some issues which need to be addressed so that the interests of all is guarded.
Apart from overloading which is always a factor of fare structure and cost for business, I urge that the Ministry concerned to look into the trucks park on road side for stops to rest, to catch a bit or whatever at wherever there are shops nearby, for them to do so.
This is causing problems for others going in and out of the shop house areas as some are parked too close to the junction at the road side blocking off the view of the drivers going in and out of the shops area, like that at mile 5, Bintulu/Miri Road. Another thing is that often these road side shoulder cannot take the weight of the trucks and as a result the shoulder get dented leaving behind big holes on the road sides. Comes another truck the holes is made even bigger. We see that along the major roads all the time don’t we.
I have seen in other countries and there were always provisions for big trucks like these, truck stops, rest areas and what not. Couldn’t we have for them also some special place like these, easy to use and functional, so that they can get good food, rest well, work happily and earn good money.
Could the Honourable Minister look into this also so that we can make our big trucks transport industry safer and even more prosperous.
Another thing is the big earth filling trucks going through the housing estates. I must thank BDA for asking the contractor to slow down while driving through these areas, including erecting road signs on the road side at MLNG residential estate. I urge that those involved to take this matter seriously, as I am still seeing those returning empty trucks zooming through the Housing estate. However the road linking the SMK Baru to the Nyigu road still remains pretty much the same, since I brought it up the last time in this Dewan.
This is also the case now, of the big earth filling trucks going through Jade Garden, en routing Taman Bandar Jaya and others, residents there all complained that the trucks are moving too fast, It is dusty on sunny days and dirty from the dropping soil on rainy days. The housing estates roads are being damaged also.
Mr. Speaker, there are more and more cars parked for years at a same spot, at many of the parking lots of shops in minor shopping areas like that at Berjaya Commercial Centre, Desadamai Commercial Centre, Taman Ria Commercial centre and others. Many of these cars had been discarded there just like that. It is not only occupying up the much needed parking space but also unhealthy and an eyesore. I urge that the Ministry to do something about this also.
Mr. Speaker,
Since the last DUN sitting after I have brought up the land at Kampong Jalan Masjid, Bintulu Town, to be acquired for a Kampung Heritage Project, the people there are most unhappy about the compensation and more still their land which is under the name of being acquired for public purpose would probably end up being used commercially in the name of some private entity.
The irony of this is, as just a stone throw away, there is the old airport state land, 2 big lots had been given to private company without open tender. State prime land given to private company while kampong peoples’ prime land taken away for public purposes.
Today the government is acquiring yet another 302.9 hectar of the NCR land of the people of Kampong Nyalau for the Samalaju Industrial Park and Township, again taking away the land of the kampong people in the name of using it for public purposes but eventually probably ending up in the name of some private entity again.
Is the government doing the same thing again like in the development of the Bintulu town, taking away the kampongs peoples’ land , with such minimal compensation and then give the land to a private developer to build a whole township, selling one million ringgit for a shop lot unit today. Why can’t the government take in the landowners themselves and let them be a part of the township development and share the profits from the development. Isn’t this the opportunity that we can make the kampong people rich also. No wonder 50 of them from Kpg Nyalau had signed a petition 16.8.2011 addressed to BDA and copy to Land & Survey and the Ministry, asking that they be excluded from the acquired land.
Then again, why does the government only take the land from the people of Kuala Similajau, why can’t she gives some land to the people there as well. Like those who applied for a kampong land at Kuala Similajau. 159 them had submitted name to apply in the year 2007, here it is, yet the Minister said he has no record ! It is not just the Samalaju industries or township that need land, people need land also.
And when there is no land title involved in land acquisition, the government simply give provisional liscense to some companies over the land, like those rural land, and then ask the company to chase the people staying on that land out, saying that they have trespassed the land. Like the NCR land of Rumah Sengok, Sg. Binyo, Pandan, Bintulu, folks there had planted 4.8 hectre of palm oil on their own NCR land, but Land and Survey had issued them a letter on 17th of August 2011asking them to vacate and leave the land as the said land had been allocated for Planted Forest Project at Kawasan EID Sg. Binyo.
President S.M. Mohamed Idris of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) –Friends of Earth Malaysia, an independent national environmental organization which campaign against the deterioration of the Malaysian environment and the destruction of our invaluable resources, in a letter to Land and Survey on the 23 of August 2011, said that and it is in BM,
Pertamanya, Penduduk Rumah Sengok adalah dari kaum Iban yang mempunyai hak Native Customary Rights (NCR) keatas Wilayah Sempadan Tanah Pemakai Menoa mereka secara sah . Mereka telah sekian lama mempunyai kebebasan untuk mempratikkan cara tradisi hidup mereka dalam kawasan Sg. Satai, Pandan, sebelum kedatangan Rajah Brooke dahulu. Kami difahamkan bahawa mereka mempunyai rekod dan dokumentasi sejarh yang jelas sebagai bukti untuk menyokong hak NCR mereka di kawasan pemakai menoa mereka.
Why does the government have to keep on and on knocking on the doors, or breaking in the doors, of the rural people try to take away their lands one way or another. People need land also, even after 1958, they still need land and lands should be made available for them to live on, to build home and to farm or plant some palm oil.
Take for example , Folks of Kampong Sg. Melaban at KM 10 Jalan Similajau Sg Plan, Bintulu they need land also. They have applied for the kampong land since 2005 and today they receieved a letter from Sarawawk Pulp Industries Sdn. Bhd., asking them to vacate the land. Apparently someone else’s application has more weight than the peoples’. Why the company and not the people been given the land?
Or, the folks staying in shack housing at BDA Pasir Putih, and on the opposite side, Sg. Plan Shack Housing, Kidurong Road, about 500 hundred families in all. These shack housing kampongs had been there since the birth of the new Bintulu. They have applied for land lot so that they can have a roof over their heads, to build their own houses to stay in, but up to this day there is still no reply from the government, except that from the company saying that the land is theirs now and the people must leave. But where to go? They have too written a letter of appeal on the 10.8.2011 to BDA and the Ministries to help them.
Mr. Speaker, just as the government need land to build township, people need land to build kampong to build houses to live in. A roof over one’s head to raise a family is a basic human right ! Can’t the BN government do just that ? I urge that government to open up kampong land immediate to accommodate these shack housing people along the Kidurong road. They are our brothers and sisters after all, aren’t they?
Apart from land to live on, the people also need land to do some farming. Many of the industrious rural folks from whatever saving they have, want to plant palm oil, they have no channel to apply for land, or if they apply it will be rejected anyway, so they plant on what ever land that are vacant. I urge that the government allocate land for these small time farmers instead of taking action to chop down the palm oil which they have planted.
Mr. Speaker,
Folks of Medan Jaya, Assykirim commercial centres together with Kampong Assykirim and Taman Fortune Park are very concerned about flood in their areas again this rainny season. Just as I have brought the matter up in the May 2010 and 2011 Dun Sitting but up to this day still nothing had been done yet.
The Honourable Minister in the last sitting said that his ministry will look into this, folks living there know that if tomorrow a heavy rainfall come they will be flooded again. This is a very serious matter as the hardships and losses to be faced by the businesses and homes are great and unnecessary and can be prevented if something is done.
I urge the ministry to share the worries and cries of the people doing business or staying there so that they will not suffer anymore the horror of being flooded again.
Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Ambau Anak Uding whose house is just about 100 yards pass the Sg. Sebemban Bridge, going towards Tatau side, at KM 30 Jalan Bintulu/ Tatau, asked that JKR to put in the culvert under the bridge at the entrance of his house. This is because JKR had earlier widen the road side drain at the entrance and removed his old culverts, saying that they would put in some bigger ones. The widening works not only jepordise his bridge but also cause land side on his land and on the road which could cave in any time. I urge JKR to take action on this quickly before any thing bad happen.
Thank You.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Road Shoulder Pot Holes and Trailer Parking
State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing said that for the sake of the road users and in the interests and safety of the people in general the government must quickly repair the pot holes on the road before they get too big and dangerous.
Chiew was refering to numerous pot holes on the roads left not repaired both in the Bintulu town and the industrial estates.
He said that pot holes appearing on roads though is really quite a normal thing but if not taken seriously and repair done quickly they could be life threatening.
He also said that road building standards for industrial estates should not be the same as those in the housing estates. The prior should have more stringent standards and that is why the existing roads and standards in the industrial estates should be upgraded. Otherwise these roads would breakup again in no time under heavier loading creating much problems to the road users and smaller vehicles.
He also said that he had noticed that many big trailers are parked along side the road of the industrial estates along the Bintulu/Sibu road and in housing estates else where , causing damages to the road shoulders and road surfaces.
Although these trailers are supposed to be parked according to their liscence condition that is to be parked at their depos, but many are parked at the convinences of the drivers.
I call on BDA and JPJ to look into this matter, to hold dialouge for example, and to come up with win win solutions with the trailer peoples so that their parking problems could be deminished and eventually eliminated. Afterall trailer transport is a vital and important industry in the development and our economy and we should always be concerned and aware of their needs also.
Chiew Chin Sing.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
No Chairman Appointed Yet To The Sarawak State Disaster Relief Committe
No Chairman Appointed Yet To The Sarawak State Disaster Relief Committe
The Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing said that it is shocking that the post of the chairmanship of the Sarawak State Disaster Relief Committee has up to this day not been filled and it had been like that for many months already!
I call on the Taib government to look into this matter seriouIy and quickly appoint the Chairmanship post as we cannot afford to waste anymore time on this anymore.
Chiew said that the function and responsibility of the State Disaster Relief Committee is exceedingly significant and enormous. And if there is no one in charge at the time when disaster hit, it will be the people who will suffer most.
I am disappointed that though matters of disaster draught relief was brought up in the recently concluded June State Legislature Meeting, it seemed like what had transpired was that they found out that they do not have a chairman. Yet rural folks are running out of water already.
Chiew pointed out that with the arrival of the dry seasons, rainfalls is getting less and less. Many rural folks are running out of drinking water and some may be out of water completely soon. Today they are waiting for the government to do something to help them and sent water for relief.
“ But what I read in the newspaper was that the State Assemblywoman for Meradong (DAP), The Honourable Ting Tze Fui was renting the truck to sent water in water tank to longhouses in her area herself ! What may I know is the government doing then?”
The Government talks a lot about ‘Peoples’ First’ concept, let see that it is not only heard done but seen to be done, so that whatever the government does she does it in the interest of the people.
Chiew Chin Sing.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Bintulu Hospital CT Scan (English & Chinese Text)
State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing said that it is most regrettable that the CT Scan at the Bintulu Divisonal Hospital is still non functional though it had been out of order for about six month already.
I really cannot believe why is it taking such a long time just to fix a problem like this. And what is the authority concerned up to anyway. The way this problem is handled is really of no help to any body but only bring more inconveniences and pain to the people.
So often life and death of a patient depends on the availability and correct information to the doctors and that is why no hospital should be without proper medical equipments , like for example a CT Scan in this case.
Yesterday I was at the hospital visiting a friend who was injured in a road accident. I understood that much time been spent by so many just to get him to the Emergency Ward of the hospital. And as he was in a coma and would need scanning to the head but was told that the CT Scan was not working. That was really shocking, hurting and totally unacceptable.
Although lately two new private medical centers had opened up in Bintulu, and the patients can take their scanning there but that is no reason for not giving priority to fixing the scanner at the hospital.
The authority concerned must remember that many of the patients who had come to the hospital for treatment are poor people who had spend money on transport, food, lodging etc etc already just to get to the hospital. They do not have the extra three to five hundred more ringgit to do scanning out side. Many had come from nearby and the rural areas. Being sick is already painful and there is no need to add on more trouble and burden to them anymore.
The government must empathize with the people, help them, be more caring and give them the best service there is and get the Bintulu Division hospital to be a well equipped hospital complete with the equipments and the personnel, doctors, specialists, nurses and others.
Bintulu had undergone more than 30 years of development but is still short of a fully equipped and fully staffed hospital. And whether the government is waiting for the so called second wave of development to finish before we can have a truly full, complete and well equipped, well staffed hospital.
Chiew Chin Sing.
吉都隆区州议员周政新对民都鲁政府医院扫描机(CT Scan)坏了半年还未处理好表示遗憾。
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Freedom of Association is a Constituional Right (English & Chinese Text)
State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing said that it is most unreasonable and unecessary for the Bintulu Police to arrest the 18 persons in yellow shirt while drinking tea at a coffee shop at Parkcity commerce square, Bintulu on the 9th of July.
Chiew said that what is wrong with the public pulling a few tables together in coffee shops and drinking tea and what is wrong with wearing yellow shirts ? The police ought to know that freedom of association is a right for all as enshrine in our constitution and all ought to respect that. As for what color shirt to wear, freedom of choice is also a basic right in our constitution.
The police is being over sensitive in this matter and this is indeed very disappointing. So what have been accomplished after spending so much time and energy arresting the 18 and all.
We know that the police are working under orders from the PM and the Home Minister. But the Honourable two had been busy opposing a proposal for clean election last week. I really cannot comprehend how anyone could be opposing proposal for clean election. I mean, do we really want to keep a bad election system only that they can use unfair and dirty tatics to win.
The Honorable two have been hiding behind the police using all the government machinery and resources oppressing and suppressing the Bersih people just so that they can hold on to be the government as long as they wish.
So what is so frightenting of the Bersih people afterall ? aren’t they all peace loving Malaysians working for the greater interest and love for Malaysia?
I am sure that the police is well aware of this also, just like the police in Kuching, they did not arrest any of the twelve DAP State Assemblyman taking breakfast with the supporters at coffee shop and later went around selling Rocket news and registering voters. This is because the police there understoodd and respect these basic rights and that the police must operate independently.
Therefore, I call on the Sarawak Police to cancell all summons issured with regard to the arrest and to immediate ly release all those still detained.
Chiew Chin Sing.
我明白警方的工作是受首相与内正部长的指示。但是他们两位於上星期对提倡我国廉洁选举的人士一直的都在反对且给予种种的刁难。我真不明白首相与部长是怎样想的,连人民在提倡选举要廉洁, 他们也要反对。难道是要我国的选举续继的腐败下去,为了是他们能用肮脏的手段来赢的选举?
我相信对于这些,警方也都是很清楚的. 就好像古晋的警察,他们对行动党十二名议员与支持者在古晋吃早餐,之后又展开了活动,也都没有抓人,他们只是一直的在观察。因为他们了解及尊重他人的权力,而且他们也知道警方是不遍担任何一方的。
Friday, July 8, 2011
DECLARATION OF SARAWAK DAP LAW-MAKERS for clean free and fair elections
We believe that Malaysia must become a true democracy.
But the “first to pass the post” electoral system in the country has been tainted by and besmirched with electoral fraud and corruption in the form of rampant vote buying practiced by the Barisan Nasional. However, the Election Commission does not have enforcement and prosecutorial powers.
We believe in equal and not disproportionate representation.
But, we have clear imbalance in representation because of unfair constituency delineation, so that some state constituencies are 4 to 5 times bigger than others, and some Parliamentary constituencies are more than 10 times bigger than others. For example, in the Sarawak State Election, N.70 BaKelalan has 6958 voters compared to N.10 Pending which has 29,488 voters. The BN won 25 constituencies with voters less than 10,000 in each constituency. Compare this with 10 seats that were won by the DAP with voters exceeding 20,000 each. Because of disproportionate weightage in the votes, the BN secured 55% of the popular votes in the Sarawak State election but won 77.5% of the seats. At Parliamentary level, Putrajaya has 8840 voters, whereas Kapar has 122011 voters (13 times that of Putrajaya). In 2010 general election Pakatan Rakyat won all 5 constituencies which had more than 100,000 voters each. There are 8 constituencies with less than 20000 voters, all won by the BN. A distorted and unbalanced weightage means unfair representation.
We believe that the Government machinery should not be abused to sway election results.
But we have seen the BN Government handing out projects before and during election times in order to hoodwink voters and fish for their votes, with the Prime Minister setting the most obnoxious example of vote fishing by his “You Help Me, I Help You” utterance at Rejang Park during the eve of Sibu by-election. We have also seen the federal and state government splashing goodies just to win votes for the state BN during the Sarawak state election.
We believe that the media must be left to remain neutral and be an important bastion in upholding democracy.
But the repressive requirement to renew publication licenses annually and BN control means that the media had little choice but to resort to imbalance reporting against the Opposition during the election time. In some newspapers, there had even been a total black-out of news concerning the Pakatan Rakyat during elections.
We believe that the electoral rolls should be clean and free from phantom voters.
But despite the insistence that the electoral roll is constantly being updated, we see in the electoral rolls thousands of centurian voters, and the deceased as eligible and unimpeachable voters, giving rise to suspicion of phantom voters. We should demand that there should be linkage to the data base of the National Registration Department so that all eligible Malaysians should automatically be registered as voters. The Election Commission should use indelible ink to avoid phantom voting.
We believe that the Election Commission, Police and the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commossion must be fair and independent
But we see an Election Commission which has increasingly become the mouthpiece for the BN. It has no power to enforce election laws and is not able to ensure free and fair elections. Political parties should be allowed a longer campaign period than the present 8-10 days. The Police and the MACC must be independent.
We believe that postal votes should be transparent and allowed for all Malaysians working overseas.
But we see postal votes are issued to police and security personnel who have no connection to the State except by virtue of their temporary posting to Sarawak. We see non-Sarawakian army personnel voting to determine the destiny of the BN in Sarawak. We see eligible Malaysians working overseas being denied their voting opportunities. During every election we hear postal votes being the target of vote buying.
Against these flaws in the electoral system, we join Malaysians to demand for electoral reforms.
We believe that it is every citizen’s right to see that elections are free and fair.
We believe that the constitutional right of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression must be upheld by the Government, for a true Democracy entails a government of the people, by the people, for the people. It ensures that the people are the masters of the country.
We insist that all legitimate demands for electoral reforms must be taken cognizance of and not brushed aside as fanciful tricks to topple the Government.
We abhor the thought that the electoral system as practised now is perfect and beyond reproach.
We implore on the Government to cherish the goodwill of 62 NGOs which had demanded for electoral reforms through peaceful means. We believe such demand is for the betterment of the country.
It is the sacrosanct duty of all Malaysians to ensure that the country prosper and not sink to the pit. It is their bounden duty to ensure that Malaysia continues to subscribe and respect human rights.
We condemn the barrage of arbitrary arrests of electoral reform groups and political leaders and supporters in violation of their fundamental rights to freedom of association, expression, and peaceful assembly.
We call for their immediate release.
We urge the Prime Minister to pay regard to his pledge to uphold civil liberties and to pay regard for the fundamental rights of the people of Malaysia when he assumed his office as the prime minister in April 2009.
We condemn all those who pay no respect to the sanctity of the electoral process by drumming tension and orchestrating measures to sink legitimate demands for a clean free and fair election.
We appeal for restoration of public order and security. We believe that no measure can contain the civic mindedness of the Ubah generation of Malaysians to see change.
While we appeal to the electorates to rise to the occasion to express support for a just and legitimate cause and to demand for a clean, free and fair election, we also appeal to the acumen of the Government in this pivotal moment to rise to the occasion to support the call by implementing reform. There should be no procrastination, for electoral reform is vital to propel the nation forward to becoming a better and more vibrant democracy.
9th July 2011 at Stutong, Kuching
Chiew Chin Sing.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
TYT Speech DUN June 2011 Sitting (English & Chinese)
Mr. Speaker,
I rise to take part on the debate of Motion of Appreciation on Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Negeri’s Address which was so graciously delivered by His Excellency the Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Negeri in this august House on Tuesday, the 21st of June, 2011
Mr. Speaker,
I stand here today, humbled by the greater support which I obtained during the 10th Sarawak General Election from people of all races in Kidurong. I am grateful for the trust that had been bestowed, and I am mindful of my role to serve the people not just in Kidurong but all the peoples of Sarawak, from this oldest parliamentary institution in the country.
Mr. Speaker,
So many had been elected to serve in this Sarawak Legislative Council in the past 144 years of the history of our Legislative Council. We have been able to carry on, not just because of those before us , but because of the people of Sarawak who have remained faithful to the ideals of our parliamentary democracy, in our strife for freedom, justice, equality and that, all deserve a chance to pursue our full measure of happiness.
As we continue on with our journey today at the start of the second decade of the 21st century, it has become more and more important to me that the government from this oldest parliamentary institution must do better in upholding our parliamentary democracy, to help our young men and women to find job at a decent wage so that they do not have to go so far away just to make a living, helping our businesses to survive and grow, helping us to get ownership that we can have and afford or a retirement that will be dignifying- etc etc because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.
Let us be reminded that the success of our economy is not just on the success of a few big companies or foreign investments, but on the depth of the reach of our prosperity, on our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart- not out of charity, because that is the surest route to prosperity for all. A nation cannot prosper long when it favours only the prosperous.
Mr. Speaker,
I mentioned about helping our people to earn a living, extending opportunity to every willing heart. But unfortunately, there had been much neglect especially with our women from the rural, trying to start their own little business to find a decent living here in town.
All what many want to do is to sell some vegetables or food, so that they can earn some money at places where there are people around, in Bintulu they sell near Tamu, at the ABF housing beach, in front of the shops at MLNG Shop House near Fair Choice, Sg. Plan road side, outside the SK Kidurong , the open space in front of Sg Plan Shop Houses or even those at the Junction of the Bakun and Bintulu/Miri road and others.
These women sat for hours under the hot sun each days selling vegetables and sundries just to earn a few dollars. I cannot understand why the government cannot and had not been implementing more decent places, say, with a roof over their heads, or provide some fans for those at the Tamu, to let them do their businesses to make a living.
Life for them is already hard enough, yet they have to face the constant fear of the enforcement officers coming ,chasing and snatching away their goods with no mercy, Or not even giving a bill of goods so taken, how would you feel when the things you try to sell is being taken away like that.
There is a Chinese saying, Women holds up half of the sky. Today in so many parts of the world, evidence has mounted that helping women can be a successful poverty – fighting strategy. Women are indeed a linchpin of development strategy.
Women starting business or working, contribute to the gross national product and when they made the money they help the education of their children, a brother or a sister, or younger relatives and when they have money to spare, they save their money and boost national savings rate. In a nod to the female chromosomes, this is called, ‘The double X solution ‘ in fighting poverty.
In 2001 the World Bank produced an influential study, Engendering Development Through Gender Equality in Right, Resources, and Voice, arguing that promoting gender equality is crucial to combat global poverty. UNICEF issued a major report arguing that gender equality yields, a ‘double dividend’ by elevating not only women but also their children and communities.
Mr. Speaker,
Longhouse folks living at 38 km from the Mukah town, near the Aluminium Smelting plant, in Mukah Division are experiencing health, environment and social problems . Nothing of this sorts of things ever occur to them for all their 20 odd years of stay there.
The longhouse folks there told me that when they go into their farms to find food, it is becoming harder and harder these days, their vegetables are not growing well as compared to the past, and when they try to sell them, people do not want to buy, and so, what can they do, they eat them themselves. Their fruits trees like the coconut, mango, star fruit and others are not fruiting well also like before.
Women staying in these longhouses, complain of dizziness, uneasy breathing, frequent coughing, pain in the bones and just generally not feeling well. The rain water which they are using have a different odour to it, bathing with it makes one’s body itch and drinking it could cause diarrhea to children. At times in the morning, smelly air would come gushing into their rooms not telling what they are breathing in over the night and day as well.
Bathing and washings in the ponds also causes much itching and when scratched, red dots appear over the body. One said that when the plant first started, fish in his fish pond also died. Today, there is hardly any more fish in there.
Longhouse folks there had gone in and out of the hospital about their suffering and medical people had come visiting them also but their problems still persists, nothing happens.
Mr. Speaker,
How can this be ? I mean the people had been staying there happily for so long already, and nothing like the above mentioned, has ever happened, but, when the Aluminium smelting plant is built, all is changed. Farms produce are not growing well, folks are not feeling well, water for use is becoming a bigger problem.
Government have to do something to help these people before things get even worst and whether the problems so faced by the folks there, is actually a direct result of the gas and water emission from the smelting plant. And to what extend is fluoride being leaked into the air.
If the answer is in the positive, like I have talked many times before in this Dewan about the ill effects of the aluminium smelting plant, shouldn’t the plant then be closed down pending further investigation, because we are talking increased production in the near future, from the present 50kt of aluminium ingot per year, to eventually 115kt per year, 2 times of the capacity now. And the greater problems that it will bring to the human lives and lives of the community of people in Mukah, plus also the implications that it is going to have on the people in Nyalau and Bintulu for the proposed few other aluminium smelting plants to be built at the Samalaju Industrial Park, Similajau, Bintulu. I know the eventual capacity of one of the proposed aluminium smelter is 1.5 million tons a year. That is 30 times that of the present Mukah plant capacity. And what about the capacity of the other two ?
Mr. Speaker,
The sweet promise that the the aluminium smelting plant which started about two years ago in the Mukah Division will create good employment for the local and downstream industries there is not true. Most of the works there now are being done by people from other countries. There are no extrusion plants either.
Mr. Speaker,
Folks of Kuala Similajau who had been staying there since time immemorial, precious their way of life, the Similajau river and the sea. They precious their land , their culture and their civilization and they have wanted to stay on. Presently the river is giving them much fish and prawns and the bounty catches of fish and others from the sea. Kuala Similajua is giving them a living and had been giving them life.
They believe that development must benefit the people on the grounds also and we know that developments that harm the environment, land, water and life should not be implemented. There are so many developments projects which one can choose, let’s take the good ones. So the folks asked that the land near the bank of the Similajau river from the mouth of the river going in wards for about one thousand acres be earmarked to be Kampong Kuala Similajau.
Mr. Speaker,
In Sebatu, Suai and along the Bintulu/Miri road, many longhouses are still without pipe water supply. It is urged that, they be quickly connected with it. And I hope that this time there would be enough water trucks on standby to bring water quickly to these longhouse folks when they run low on water during the dry seasons, and this is not just for Bintulu only, but all divisions in Sarawak.
However there are some longhouses along the Bintulu/Miri road which have the pipe water supply, but the water cannot get up to their longhouses, like Rh Robert area, Rh Janting at Mile 15, 16 Bintulu/Miri road and other places also. I therefore urge that the government to look into this matter immediately to resolve the situation.
Grid electricity supply is another thing. Some Kampongs and longhouses in Sebatu and the Bintulu/Miri road areas are still not connected to it.
The Suai road, leading from the junction at coastal highway near Niah going towards the Suai Bridge at the old Bintulu/Miri road needs up grading and tarring. Let us be more caring for our rural folks also and give them a better road tar sealed and all. And let’s repair the holes on the roads, those that come off the main road, leading to the door steps of the long houses.
And what about the bridge over the Kerong stream for the Suai road, when is that going to be done. It is taking so long that even the access road at the side of the bridge is so damaged that smaller car can hardly passed at times.
Mr. Speaker,
During the May 2010 DUN meeting, I had raised concern on the extend to which beach development works at the Tg. Batu beach condominium is affecting the monsoon drain water flowing from the Assykirim area to the sea.
At the end of last year there was quite a heavy rain one time. The situation of the monsoon drain is then tested and it did not carry the water fast enough out to the sea, the water had been supposedly slowed down by the embankment at the condominium beach development. As a result serious flooding occurred at places that had never been flooded before, like the road between Farly and Sing Kong super markets, Kpg Assykirin Ph one and Fortune park housing areas.
And would the Ministry let us know what is the present status of the situation, as we would be approaching the monsoon rain again soon.
Mr. Speaker,
Big earth filling and other trucks, going through residential estates must slow down and make sure that they do not make a mess or damage the road badly. For example, folks at the MLNG Housing living along the inner 4 lane residential road, could actually feel the tremor in their houses, of the trucks passing by, not to mention of the dust and damage done to the road. The tremor had already caused hair line crack in the house at this early stage of the nearby sea filling works which could take many more years !
Similar problem is also true of the road from SMK Baru going down the hill to the Nyigu road.
The U turn after the traffic light near Sibiew Bridge, Bintulu/Tatau road, in the BBC Industrial estate, mile 5 B/M road is also damaged by the earth filling trucks, making it almost inaccessible for smaller cars. This side of the road there is often flooded, damaged and need urgent repair.
Talking about road, folks travelling between Sibu, Bintulu and Miri on the old trunk road had been very unhappy with the road situation for a long time already. Many parts of the road are not only bumpy, of patches of repair and repair, causing much damages to ones cars, especially the smaller cars. The condition of the road is also making driving unsafe on this road.
Being the only road linking the whole state and with so much money being taken by the Federal Government from our oil and gas. The people feel that it is high time that giving us back a proper road or making the road into a 4 lane highway must be given top priority by the Federal Government. They have done some many many good roads in West Malaysia already, why can’t they do one good one here.
Mr. Speaker,
Land Owners of an area of land of over 6000 sq. meter at Kampong Jalan Masjid, Bintulu are very concerned as their kampong land are going to be acquired by the Government for a Kampung Heritage Project.
They are worry because they have seen other private lands in Bintulu said to be acquired for public purposes though compensated, ended up for commercial buildings etc fetching in a lot more of the compensated price for the new owner.
It is therefore urge that whatever compensation to these land owners at Kampung Masjid, it must be reasonably and done with their interests in our heart also.
And with that Mr. Speaker. Thank you.
N. 59吉都隆区砂劳越州立法议员周政新於砂劳越古晋立法议会参与动议感谢州元首2011年6月24日所发表御词之辩论演词
我们的经济繁荣不是靠几个大公司或外国投资, 而是在于繁荣的深度,在于我们能给予每一位愿意接受者的能力,而非施舍。因为这是我们最确切的成功之路。如果只优惠几个富人,一个国家不能长久繁荣。
她们的要求只是在民都鲁有人潮的地方卖点蔬菜或食物,如靠近市集的地方,ABF海滨住宅区,在MLNG店屋前靠近Fair Choice,Sg. Plan路傍,吉都隆小学校外,sg plan店屋外的空地,甚至是在巴贡和民美公路路口和其他地点。
在情形更恶化之前,政府必须帮助这些人, 无论问题是否与熔铝厂排放的气体或水直接有关。还有到底有多少的氯化物被排放到空气中。
在Sebatu, Suai及沿着民美公路,许多长屋仍然没有自来水供应。我吁请当局尽快接驳给他们。我希望这次有足够的运水车,随时准备运水救济长屋居民的燃眉之急。这不仅是在民都鲁而已,是全砂劳越州。
沿着民美公路,许多长屋有自来水供应,但水压不足不能输送到长屋内去。在15、16里民美公路的Robert地区的长屋, Janting长屋及其他地方。因此,我吁请政府关注此事,即刻解决此问题。
Suai 路Kerong 河的桥何时才能竣工?已经太久了,就连桥边的过道也已破坏不堪,连小车子都难以通过。
在2010年5月底立法议会会议上,我曾提出在Sg. Batu海滩公寓大厦的海滩发展工程,影响Assykirim地区排水道向海里排放雨水的问题.
大型填土车和其他卡车进入住宅区必须减缓速度慢下来,并确保不损坏道路和破坏环境。例如在MLNG住宅区内大路旁居民, 当车辆经过时在屋里能感受到震动,更别谈所引起的沙尘和对道路的破坏。震动已造成屋子出现裂缝,靠海附近的填土工程刚开始,还要许多年才能结束!
同样的问题也发生在从Baru中学到Nyigu路岭下的路。靠近民都鲁/达岛路Sibiew 桥交通灯之后的回转处,在民美公路5里BBC工业区,道路也被大卡车破坏了,小型车辆几乎不能通过。一边的道路已破环更时常淹水,急需速修补。
10 Questions from Me for the Sarawak State Legislative Council Meeting from 20 - 29 June 2011 (English & Chinese)
1. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state:-
i) the number of companies which had been approved to set up aluminium smelting plant at the Samalaju Industrial Park, Similajau, Bintulu ,
ii) the names of these companies and their equity structures,
iii) the proposed production capacity of these plants at the start of their operations and by when,
iv) their eventual production capacity and by when,
v) the status of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for these companies,
vi) how many are still in the process of applying and with due considerations.
(written answer)
2. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state, on the construction of the polycrystalline silicon plant at Samalaju Industrial Park, Similajau, Bintulu,
i) the number, production capacity and schedule for the life of the plant(s)/project(s),
ii) the manufacturing stages of the plant(s) and its technologies,
iii) the effect on the environment and human health from the plant(s) pollutant emission/heavy metal emissions during the manufacturing stages,
iv) whether an EIA had been approved for the project,
v) what is the cost and amount of the electricity which will be sold to the plant,
vi) the down streams industries which can and are being planned to be set up, for the local, to benefit directly from the plant if any, if not why ?
(oral answer)
3. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state with regards to the proposal to build nuclear power plants,
i) whether such plant will be built in Sarawak, if so, where,
ii) the rationale for building such plant in Sarawak,
iii) in view of the huge electricity supply available in Sarawak and the inherently dangerous nuclear plant technology whether the government will reject such proposal out right.
(written answer)
4. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state
i) the extent of the rural-urban migration for all age groups, by gender, race and regions in Sarawak,
ii) the reasons for such migration,
iii) the problems arise from such migration for these rural migrants,
iv) the measures taken by the government to help these rural migrants to overcome their problems,
v) the measures taken by the government to tackle the urban situations as a result of the influx of the rural migrants.
(written answer)
5. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state with regards to women from China entering Sarawak,
i) the types of visas which they were given for entry and their duration of stay,
ii) a break down by age group and the number of them entering Sarawak for the past five years,
iii) were there any violations found on them with regards to the entry conditions, if so, how many, if not why ?
iv) what measures is the government taking to ensure that their entries match with the conditions of entry.
(oral answer)
6. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state the names of all the ongoing programmes implemented in the state that are aimed to help the poor, women and the elderly.
(written answer)
7. To ask the Honourable Minister of Rural Development to state with regards to the post of Tuai Rumah and Tuai Kampongs in the state,
i) the total number of Tuai Rumah and Tuai Kampong in the state,
ii) the total number of them who had been confirmed and the reasons for those who are not confirmed,
iii) the amount of their present monthly allowance as compared to that of other states in the country.
(written answer)
8. To ask the Honourable Chief Minister to state,
i) the students to teacher norm ratio for a secondary school class room so as to enhance maximum learning,
ii) what is the average number of student to teacher ratio for the urban secondary school in Sarawak and what is that for the semi urban secondary schools,
iii) what are the plans of the government to bring the unfavorable students to teachers ration in the over crowded schools, especially like the case of SMK Bintulu in Bintulu, Sarawak.
(written answer)
9. To ask the Honourable Minister of Urban Development and Tourism to state,
i) the total number of drain manhole with no covers for each of the commercial centres in Bintulu,
ii) and for each of those in the housing estates in Bintulu,
iii) the length of time of these drain covers which had been missing in each of the above mentioned area,
iv) the reasons for the drain covers to be missing,
v) the measures that had been carried out to ensure all drain manhole are provided with covers in Bintulu.
(written answer)
10. To ask the Honourable Chief Minister to state,
i) The number and categories of crimes for all divisions of Sarawak in the past five years.
ii) The reasons for the increase for the concerned categories of crimes,
iii) The measures that had been taken by the police to reduce the concerned crimes and by what percentage and time frame,
iv) The percentage increase in police personnel in each of the crime categories in Sarawak for the past five years.
(written answer)
Thank you.
Chiew Chiu Sing.
N59, Kidurong.
1. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明:
i) 获批准在民都鲁士米拉爪工业园设立炼铝工厂的公司数目。
ii) 这些公司的名称及股份结构。
iii) 这些工厂拟议中何时开始生产及产量。
iv) 它们最终将生产的产量及时间。
v) 这些工厂的环境影响评估的情况。
vi) 有多少仍在申请的评介考虑程序中。
2. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明有关在民都鲁士米拉爪工业园建立多晶硅工厂的情形。
i) 工厂/计划的数目,生产量及进度。
ii) 工厂的生产过程及工艺。
iii) 在生产过程放射的污染体/重金属对环境及人体的影响。
iv) 该工程是否已获得环境影响评估的批准。
v) 是以何等价格及数量售卖电流给该工厂。
vi) 是否有设立任何该工厂可让本地人直接受益的下游工业或计划,若无,为何没有?
3. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明有关设立核电厂的建议:
i) 是否会在砂劳越设立类似工厂,若是,会设置于何处。
ii) 在砂劳越设立这类工厂的理由。
iii) 由于在砂劳越拥有大量的电力供应以及核电工艺所附带的危险性,政府会否直接拒绝这项建议。
4. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明:
i) 在砂劳越州,从乡区往城市移居的人口幅度,个别年龄层、性别、种族及地区。
ii) 移居的原因。
iii) 因这些乡区移民到来而引起的问题。
iv) 政府协助乡区移民解决这些问题所采取的措施。
v) 因乡区移民涌入所造成的城市状况,政府的解决办法。
5. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明有关进入砂劳越州的中国女性的问题。
i) 批准给予和获准逗留的各种签证。
ii) 列出过去五年,进入砂劳越州个别年龄层的数目的明细表。
iii) 她们有无发生任何对签证违规逾越的事件,若有,有多少件,若无,原因为何?
iv) 为确保她们能遵守入境的条件,政府所采取的措施。
6. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明州内所有扶助贫困、妇女及老年人的现行计划。
7. 请尊贵的乡村发展部长说明有关长屋屋长及甘榜头人:
i) 在州内,长屋屋长及甘榜头人的总人数。
ii) 职位已获得确认的总人数及未获确认者的原因为何。
iii) 他们的每月的津贴是多少,以及与国内其他州的津贴比较。
8. 请尊贵的首席部长说明:
i) 为达到最佳的学习效果,中学一般课室的教师和学生人数的比率。
ii) 在砂劳越,城市的中学平均教师和学生的人数比率,以及在城郊中学的比例又如何。
iii) 对教师与学生人数比率不利、过度拥挤的学校,尤其是以民都鲁中学为例,有何改善的计划。
9. 请尊贵的城市发展及旅游部长说明:
i) 在民都鲁,每个商业中心的无盖泄水井的总数。
ii) 在民都鲁住宅区,每个商业中心的无盖泄水井的总数。
iii) 在上述地区,泄水井遗失的时间已有多久了。
iv) 泄水井盖遗失的原因。
v) 在民都鲁,确保所有泄水井都有安装盖的措施。
10. 请尊贵的首席部长说明:
i) 在砂劳越州,过去五年,个别省份的各类犯罪的数目。
ii) 有关犯罪类别已增加的原因。
iii) 为减少有关罪犯,警方所采取的措施其效率如何,及所需时间。
iv) 在砂劳越州,对打击各项罪犯,警力所增加的比率。