Saturday, June 25, 2011

10 Questions from Me for the Sarawak State Legislative Council Meeting from 20 - 29 June 2011 (English & Chinese)

Ten questions from me for the Sarawak State Legislative Council meeting from 20 - 29 June 2011.

1. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state:-

i) the number of companies which had been approved to set up aluminium smelting plant at the Samalaju Industrial Park, Similajau, Bintulu ,
ii) the names of these companies and their equity structures,
iii) the proposed production capacity of these plants at the start of their operations and by when,
iv) their eventual production capacity and by when,
v) the status of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for these companies,
vi) how many are still in the process of applying and with due considerations.

(written answer)

2. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state, on the construction of the polycrystalline silicon plant at Samalaju Industrial Park, Similajau, Bintulu,

i) the number, production capacity and schedule for the life of the plant(s)/project(s),
ii) the manufacturing stages of the plant(s) and its technologies,
iii) the effect on the environment and human health from the plant(s) pollutant emission/heavy metal emissions during the manufacturing stages,
iv) whether an EIA had been approved for the project,
v) what is the cost and amount of the electricity which will be sold to the plant,
vi) the down streams industries which can and are being planned to be set up, for the local, to benefit directly from the plant if any, if not why ?

(oral answer)

3. To ask the Honourable Minister of Industrial Development to state with regards to the proposal to build nuclear power plants,

i) whether such plant will be built in Sarawak, if so, where,
ii) the rationale for building such plant in Sarawak,
iii) in view of the huge electricity supply available in Sarawak and the inherently dangerous nuclear plant technology whether the government will reject such proposal out right.

(written answer)

4. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state

i) the extent of the rural-urban migration for all age groups, by gender, race and regions in Sarawak,
ii) the reasons for such migration,
iii) the problems arise from such migration for these rural migrants,
iv) the measures taken by the government to help these rural migrants to overcome their problems,
v) the measures taken by the government to tackle the urban situations as a result of the influx of the rural migrants.

(written answer)

5. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state with regards to women from China entering Sarawak,

i) the types of visas which they were given for entry and their duration of stay,
ii) a break down by age group and the number of them entering Sarawak for the past five years,
iii) were there any violations found on them with regards to the entry conditions, if so, how many, if not why ?
iv) what measures is the government taking to ensure that their entries match with the conditions of entry.

(oral answer)

6. To ask the Honourable Minister of Social Development and Urbanisation to state the names of all the ongoing programmes implemented in the state that are aimed to help the poor, women and the elderly.

(written answer)

7. To ask the Honourable Minister of Rural Development to state with regards to the post of Tuai Rumah and Tuai Kampongs in the state,

i) the total number of Tuai Rumah and Tuai Kampong in the state,
ii) the total number of them who had been confirmed and the reasons for those who are not confirmed,
iii) the amount of their present monthly allowance as compared to that of other states in the country.

(written answer)

8. To ask the Honourable Chief Minister to state,

i) the students to teacher norm ratio for a secondary school class room so as to enhance maximum learning,
ii) what is the average number of student to teacher ratio for the urban secondary school in Sarawak and what is that for the semi urban secondary schools,
iii) what are the plans of the government to bring the unfavorable students to teachers ration in the over crowded schools, especially like the case of SMK Bintulu in Bintulu, Sarawak.

(written answer)

9. To ask the Honourable Minister of Urban Development and Tourism to state,

i) the total number of drain manhole with no covers for each of the commercial centres in Bintulu,
ii) and for each of those in the housing estates in Bintulu,
iii) the length of time of these drain covers which had been missing in each of the above mentioned area,
iv) the reasons for the drain covers to be missing,
v) the measures that had been carried out to ensure all drain manhole are provided with covers in Bintulu.

(written answer)

10. To ask the Honourable Chief Minister to state,

i) The number and categories of crimes for all divisions of Sarawak in the past five years.
ii) The reasons for the increase for the concerned categories of crimes,
iii) The measures that had been taken by the police to reduce the concerned crimes and by what percentage and time frame,
iv) The percentage increase in police personnel in each of the crime categories in Sarawak for the past five years.

(written answer)

Thank you.

Chiew Chiu Sing.
N59, Kidurong.


1. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明:

i) 获批准在民都鲁士米拉爪工业园设立炼铝工厂的公司数目。
ii) 这些公司的名称及股份结构。
iii) 这些工厂拟议中何时开始生产及产量。
iv) 它们最终将生产的产量及时间。
v) 这些工厂的环境影响评估的情况。
vi) 有多少仍在申请的评介考虑程序中。

2. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明有关在民都鲁士米拉爪工业园建立多晶硅工厂的情形。

i) 工厂/计划的数目,生产量及进度。
ii) 工厂的生产过程及工艺。
iii) 在生产过程放射的污染体/重金属对环境及人体的影响。
iv) 该工程是否已获得环境影响评估的批准。
v) 是以何等价格及数量售卖电流给该工厂。
vi) 是否有设立任何该工厂可让本地人直接受益的下游工业或计划,若无,为何没有?

3. 请尊贵的工业发展部长说明有关设立核电厂的建议:

i) 是否会在砂劳越设立类似工厂,若是,会设置于何处。
ii) 在砂劳越设立这类工厂的理由。
iii) 由于在砂劳越拥有大量的电力供应以及核电工艺所附带的危险性,政府会否直接拒绝这项建议。

4. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明:

i) 在砂劳越州,从乡区往城市移居的人口幅度,个别年龄层、性别、种族及地区。
ii) 移居的原因。
iii) 因这些乡区移民到来而引起的问题。
iv) 政府协助乡区移民解决这些问题所采取的措施。
v) 因乡区移民涌入所造成的城市状况,政府的解决办法。

5. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明有关进入砂劳越州的中国女性的问题。

i) 批准给予和获准逗留的各种签证。
ii) 列出过去五年,进入砂劳越州个别年龄层的数目的明细表。
iii) 她们有无发生任何对签证违规逾越的事件,若有,有多少件,若无,原因为何?
iv) 为确保她们能遵守入境的条件,政府所采取的措施。

6. 请尊贵的社会发展及城市化部长说明州内所有扶助贫困、妇女及老年人的现行计划。

7. 请尊贵的乡村发展部长说明有关长屋屋长及甘榜头人:

i) 在州内,长屋屋长及甘榜头人的总人数。
ii) 职位已获得确认的总人数及未获确认者的原因为何。
iii) 他们的每月的津贴是多少,以及与国内其他州的津贴比较。

8. 请尊贵的首席部长说明:

i) 为达到最佳的学习效果,中学一般课室的教师和学生人数的比率。
ii) 在砂劳越,城市的中学平均教师和学生的人数比率,以及在城郊中学的比例又如何。
iii) 对教师与学生人数比率不利、过度拥挤的学校,尤其是以民都鲁中学为例,有何改善的计划。

9. 请尊贵的城市发展及旅游部长说明:

i) 在民都鲁,每个商业中心的无盖泄水井的总数。
ii) 在民都鲁住宅区,每个商业中心的无盖泄水井的总数。
iii) 在上述地区,泄水井遗失的时间已有多久了。
iv) 泄水井盖遗失的原因。
v) 在民都鲁,确保所有泄水井都有安装盖的措施。

10. 请尊贵的首席部长说明:

i) 在砂劳越州,过去五年,个别省份的各类犯罪的数目。
ii) 有关犯罪类别已增加的原因。
iii) 为减少有关罪犯,警方所采取的措施其效率如何,及所需时间。
iv) 在砂劳越州,对打击各项罪犯,警力所增加的比率。


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