Thursday, September 3, 2009

Public Interest - The First Priority in the Execution of Public Works (Chinese & English Text)







卡在塞车队伍的人们,被塞车了整个钟头,气愤地向我投诉他们塞车时所承受的痛苦与损失。有的工作了一整天,累着要回家休息又不能,有生病的,有的赶时间也被耽误,有的车燃油红灯也已亮起,等等等等太多状况了。还有许多的马来同胞禁食了一天还未喝到水, 着急的正赶着回家与家人一起开斋。




Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch ,DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 3rd September, 2009

The Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong, Chiew Chin Sing, called upon the Bintulu Department of Public Works to take heed to ensure that public interest should always be first priority in the execution of any public works.

Chiew was specifically referring to the little tar sealing, upgrading works within the 5 mile length of the Bintulu/Miri Road. He said that the contractor work even at traffic peak hours and as a result, serious jam had occurred yesterday evening, where some were jammed for almost an hour.

“This should really never happen” Chiew said, “But when you have contractor who do not give due consideration and concern to others, as if traffic jam was none of its business and went on working any way at peak hours, such contractor should never be accepted to be qualified to do public works in the first place. The indifference attitude of the contractor towards the sufferings of the public as caused by his works is not right”.

It is incomprehendable how the contractor could fail to see the traffic jam it could cause by working at traffic peak hours.

The fact that this actually happen, is a glaring example of the failure of the government delivery system. People like to know how is the work actually being supervised and if the supervising unit cannot even foresee traffic jam working at peak hours, one doubt very much if they can see the quality of the final works.

Many were struck in the jam for an hour. One who was so mad called me up, and told me of his pain and losses because of the jam. Many had had a tiring day and had wanted to go home quick to rest, some were sick; some missed their appointments while for some others the fuel tank red light had even come on. And not to forget our Malay brothers and sisters who had been fasting for a whole day and need to be home to break the fast with their family.

One thing they cannot understand is why could not the works be done at night or at other none traffic peak hours.

I therefore hope that the authority concerned would take heed because this kind of man caused sufferings to others must be totally avoided. Government should always be on the alert, work efficiently, and whatever you do, think of the people. People first and give them the best service at all times.

Chiew Chin Sing.
3rd September, 2009

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