Saturday, October 24, 2009

'Indai Blues' - Unfair to Say That Unfaithful Wives as the Main Cause of Divorce (English Text)

Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch , DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 23rdOctober, 2009.

State Assemblyman for Kidurong said that it is unfair to say that the main cause of divorce was unfaithful wives in the case of the ‘Indai Blues’.

In the marriage of the ‘Indai Blues’ case who could stand the partner being away for several years without seeing each other. This is putting too much stress and tension on the wives and I am sure it could be the same on the husband too.

Although the husband sends back a lot of the money which he has earned but if the money is not managed wisely, it would be gone in no time. I believe that the money have to be jointly managed and both must be equally responsibly on how to spend it or managed it for the good of the family.

That is why it is important that the couple must open up two accounts for the money earned by the husband, one for the monthly expense of the home while the rest of the money go into a joint saving account, this way when the husband returns home the money is still there for them to enjoy and use together with the children. Perhaps then the spoilt wives issue could be avoided.

But it is not easy at all these days not to be big spender, when tempters and temptations is every where, in fact, so much of the emphasis of life style is about look good, feel good, where every corner you turn there is the lure, the advertisements, the TV.

That is why it is important also that the husbands have to come back for a short holiday from their work, at least once or twice a year, to see their wives and the children. We human all have needs, and even animal have theirs, and it is important that the needs be mutually met in the marriage and family.

I know many companies are including a yearly holiday ticket for their return and back to work, some are allowing the more senior staffs to return half yearly. This leave must be taken and cannot be substituted by payment.

I would like to call on the Ministry of Social Development and Urbanisation to look into this unhealthy family development urgently before the matter gets worse and harm our family unit in the modernization of our society.

I urge that the government set up counseling units for those couples where the husband is going away for a long time, to prepare them and the families for their times ahead to help keep the family unit of our society in tact.

Presently there could be no less than 50 thousands of our man of all races and many are from Bintulu, working overseas. The foreign exchange they earn deserve our concern and care for their family.

Chiew Chin Sing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Overwhelming Heavy Traffic at Tg. Kidurong Road - An Alternative Dual Carriage Highway is Needed (Chinese & English Text)


吉都隆区州议员周政新说既然国阵政府还未有计划扩建吉都隆大道,把现有的双呈大道,两边另加一条路及摩多巷,那他应该开辟另一条新的双呈大道连结民都鲁市区到丹章吉都隆, 好给人民另一个选择,有另外一条路去丹章吉都隆。

他说吉都隆路是在80年代建的,至今已差不多有30年之久,该双呈大道当时主要是供给吉都隆石油工业,深水码头及其他工业用的。但是今天吉都隆许多的发展加上双溪布兰住宅区不断的在增加及吉都隆路又连接沿海大道, 所以吉都隆路每每在道路使用顶峰的时刻,一定是车辆,尾巴接尾巴的塞到整10公里的道路满满,车辆行驶起来好比蜗牛慢,是每天车辆及道路使用者的痛苦与心头恨。

本州基本设施与通讯部长,在我刚收到的他今年五月州议会的书面回答,说,政府还未有计划来扩建吉都隆大道,把现有的双呈大道, 两边另加一条路及摩多巷。 他还说,丹章巴都 / 巴克里陈路,近回教堂与吉都隆路的交叉处的改善工作,其招标已于09年3月23日截止。

我们欢迎政府改善丹章巴都 / 巴克里陈路与吉都隆路近回教堂的交叉口,但是每天严重到整条吉都隆路都塞车漫漫,必须立刻获到政府的处理与解决。






Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch , DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 22nd October, 2009.

The Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing urged the Barisan National government to construct an alternative dual carriage highway to cater for the overwhelming heavy traffic at the Tg. Kidurong Road since she has no plan yet to widen the road to a 3 lane dual carriageway with motorcycle lane.

Chiew said that the Tg. Kidurong Road which was built in the eighties, some thirty years ago, with two lanes going up and two coming down, was meant primarily to serve the Kidurong petro chemical complexes, the deep sea port and other industries.

‘But, today with the vigirous development in Kidurong, the Sg. Plan residential area, and the connection of the Tg. Kidurong Highway to the coastal highway, the road is literally jam packed, tail to tail, at peak hours.’

In fact the jam is so serious that cars packed up for 10 kilo meters which is about the whole length of the Tg. Kidurong road and road users are very unhappy over it.

Minister for Infrastructure Development and Communications in a written answer to me, received lately, for the May 2009 State Legislative Council meeting said that The Government has no planning yet to widen the Tg. Kidurong Road to a 3 lane dual carriageway with motorcycle lane. The tender to improve the junction with Tg. Batu Road near the mosque has been closed on 23.3.2009.

Whereas I welcome the move to improve the Tg. Batu/Bakeri Ting and Tg. Kidurong Road Junction, near the mosque, but the greater problem of severe traffic jam for the Tg. Kidurong Road must be addressed to and solved immediately.

When I asked the Ministry about resurfacing the uneven road surface for Bintulu/Miri Road 0-6 mile and Tg. Kidurong Road from 0 mile to Nyabau Road junction, the Minister written answered that the ministry would carry out routine maintenance regularly for the Bintulu/Miri Road and that there is a provision of RM 2.5 million for resurfacing of the Tg. Kidurong Road to resurface a total of 10 km at various sections (in bad condition).

I say that it is good that the Tg. Kidurong Road will be resurfaced as the road badly need the resurfacing works but at a cost of RM 250,000 a kilo meter?

I urge the minister to enlighten us and to the detail us with the break down of works in resurfacing a kilo meter of road at RM 250,000. The people want to know, as it is their hard earned tax money.

I also wish to urge the contractor presently doing the resurfacing works to avoid doing the works at peak hours like 8 o’clock in the morning or after works at 5 pm, as the jam is already bad on a two lane highway and when that is tapered off to a single lane to give way for resurfacing works, the jamming time is doubled and the road users suffering also doubled.

Chiew Chin Sing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

RON 97上等汽油


吉都隆区州议员周政新呼吁国阵政府全面售卖RON 97上等汽油。

周氏对许多油站至今还只售卖二等汽油RON 95表示遗憾,并谴责政府剥夺人民选择的权力。

国阵政府不应该再跟人民玩把戏,老老实实的把上等汽油(RON 97),并以还未起价的价格即每公升1.75零吉的卖给人民。

今天政府把RON 97上等汽油的价钱提高到每公升2.05 零吉来卖是不对的, 因为说穿了,它还不是那以前未换名而以每公升1.75零吉售卖的上等汽油。


今天在全砂许多市镇的油站还是买不到上等汽油 (RON 97), 许多需要这种油的车主,因买不到,所以只能暂用次等汽油(RON 95)。但是把这种油添在一辆几十万的新车叫爱车族的人们怎不痛心。而且车主们也即刻的感觉到负面的差别,况且耗油量也增加。

我希望政府不是以这种卑鄙的手段,在迫使车主们在没办法之下屈服于提高的价格。 但是政府为什么又要提高汽油的价格,难道政府这些年来都一直的在提高汽油的价钱还不够吗。我们的国家是一个石油出产国,也让人民享用一些较便宜的汽油吧。


昨天国内贸易合作社与消费部民都鲁执法单位主任说,政府在全国委任千人监督物价来仰制通货膨胀,可是RON 97又起价,以每公升2.05的卖,那边监督物价,这边又偷偷起价,这种做法根本就是无法发挥仰制通货膨胀真正的功能,而是在开恢复经济的倒车。


Friday, October 9, 2009

Flooding at Housing Estates along Tg. Batu Road (Chinese & English Text)


吉多隆区州议员周政新呼吁国阵政府重视民都鲁丹绒巴都数住宅区前晚淹水一事,并一劳永逸的解决这些地区每逢大雨必水灾的黑区。既亿倍利大酒店旁的住宅区,善佳花园,莉亚花园,伊玛斯花园,海景花园, 裕福花园及查拜花园住宅区与市区交警办事处。

周氏说这些地区发生水灾的状况已是很多年的事情,该是时候政府马上着手解决, 体恤一下这些地区的住家们,不要让他们再承受浸水的痛苦与烦恼,再蒙受无谓的损失。





Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch,DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 8th October, 2009:

Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing call on the BN government to look seriously into the flooding at the housing estates along the Tanjung Batu road and to solve the flooding problem once and for all of these flood prone areas which get flooded often after each heavier rain.

These areas are the housing estate beside the Everly Hotel, Sunga Garden, Taman Ria, Taman Emas, Taman Seaview, Taman Lucky Tower, Taman Jabai and the traffic police station in Town.

Chiew said that it had been many years that these areas were flooded after heavier rain. It is high time that the government should solve the problem immediately. Empathize with the people living there, there is no need to let them further suffer the pain and sorrow of the flood and face losses as well ever again.

Chiew said that the people had brought the matter to him and told him that they are worried each time when heavy rain falls. They are afraid that their houses may get flooded and sometimes they have to stay up the whole night just to keep an eye on the water level.

Chiew also said that in about 2 months’ time, the year end raining season will be here, there is going to be so much rain then. The heavy rain night before should be a wake up call to the government that the folks staying in the above mentioned housing estates face flooding whenever there is heavy rain. As the images of last year flooding in these areas due to heavy rain and a dysfunction dyke is still vivid, there is no reason that the government want to see the people there suffer once again this year. In fact I have already brought up the matter up in the May State Legislative Council meeting.

I hope that the government can listen to the problems of the people and not sweep them under the carpet and let the people suffer. That government must not drag its feet any longer as if they cannot hear what the people are saying. The government may find out the crux of the flooding problem at Tanjung Batu and solve it immediately. There is no reason that after several main big monsoon drains were built yet flooding still persisted. It is also important that the dyke be upgraded to break the wave so as to give the people living at Tanjung Batu a peaceful and safe surrounding to live in.

Chiew Chin Sing.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Written Answers of Sarawak State Legislative Council by Ministers to Questions by State Assemblyman for Kidurong - DUN Sitting May 2009


5. To ask the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Infrastructure Development and Communications:

(1) Whether the Ministry plans to resurface the uneven road surface:-

(a) Bintulu/Miri Road from Mile 0 to Mile 6;

(b) Tanjung Kidurong Road from Mile 0 to junction with Nyabau Road. If so, when? If not, why?

(2) To add on a third lane to each side of the Tg. Kidurong Road if so when? If not why?


I wish to inform Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kidurong that-

1. (a) There is no specific plan to resurface this stretch of the road. However, routine maintenance shall be carried out regularly.

(b) There is a provision of RM2,500,000 for resurfacing of Tg. Kidurong Road. Tender shall be called to resurface a total of 10 km at various sections (in bad condition) of Tg. Kidurong Road.

2. The Government has no planning yet to widen Tg. Kidurong Road to a 3 lane dual carriageway with motorcycle lane. The tender to improve the junction with Tg. Batu Road near the mosque has been closed on 23.03.2009.

A contract is expected to be awarded soon.


To ask Minister of Public Utilities: (written answer)

6. (a) The reasons for the low water pressure as experienced by the folks at the first floor of the workshops of the Bintulu Service Industrial Estate at Mile 2, Jalan Sultan Iskandar.

(b) Steps that will be taken by the Ministry to solve the problem and when.


(a) For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kidurong, a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) was installed by LAKU to control the pressure at 2 bar in view of the frequent pipe bursts in the area. This stopped the pipe burst effectively. However, there were complaints of low pressure as reported in a local newspaper on 4th April 2009. Investigation was carried out to establish the cause. The pressure recorded in the water mains was 1.8 bar during peak period, which is slightly lower than the designed pressure of 2 bar. The PRV setting was then adjusted to 2.5 bar on 10th April 2009. Immediately there was a pipe burst. After the repair, the situation seems to stabilize with 2.5 bar. The minimum pressure at peak hours recorded after the adjustment was 2.3 bar which is higher than the designed guideline of 2 bar.

Subsequently, LAKU issued letters to all the consumers in the area on 23rd April 2009 informing them what had been done to improve the pressure. When asked by LAKU's staff, the consumers informed that the pressure has improved.

(b) LAKU has checked the communication pipes and confirmed that they have been changed to HOPE pipes apart from the meter stand. LAKU will replace some meter stands to HOPE stands to see if the situation will further improve. If it cannot be further improved, the consumers will have to check their internal plumbing system, which may be the cause of the low pressure.

Soalan DUN Dari YB Chiew Chiu Sing (N.59 - Kidurong)

(Written answer) Question 7: To ask the Minister of Urban Development and Tourism:

"What are the steps that will be taken by the Ministry to solve the frequent flooding due to slightly heavier rain at:

(a) In front of House No. 275 area, Sg. Plan Resettlement Scheme,

(b) In front of House No 62 area, Taman Bamboo. Whether the earth drain along side the Taman road could be substitute with a concrete drain, if so when? If not, why?


For the information of the Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kidurong, the Bintulu Development Authority (BDA) is implementing drainage improvement works in the areas mentioned by the Ahli Yang Berhormat.

a) For Sg. Plan Resettlement Scheme, BDA is currently carrying out works to upgrade existing earth drains to concrete drains. The value of the drainage works is RM2.8 Million.

b) For Taman Bamboo, BDA has called tender to upgrade the earth drain into concrete drain. The estimated value of the drainage works is RM2.6 Million.

With these improvement works, it is expected that the flooding problems in the two areas would be resolved. In view of this, there is no necessity for my Ministry to take additional steps to address the flooding problems thereat.


9. To ask the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Infrastructure Development and Communications:

State the measures that will be taken by Government to alleviate the traffic jam during breaks of school hours at SMK Baru, as the two lane road has no provisions for parking or turning and is giving much hardships to road users there while picking up the students after school.


Saya ingin memaklumkan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kidurong bahawa Jalan Masuk ke SMK Baru merupakan sebahagian kontrak pembinaan SMK Baru. Oleh yang demikian, jalan tersebut adalah di bawah bidangkuasa Jabatan Pendidikan.

Pelebaran jalan dan pembinaan tempat letak kereta mungkin dapat membantu mengurangkan kesesakan di jalan tersebut namun Jabatan Pendidikan perlu menyerahkan jalan berkenaan kepada agensi yang berwajib untuk penyelengaraan atau dinaiktaraf.


10. To ask the Minister for Environment and Public Health:
Whether a fire engine together with some firemen could be provided to station in the Tatau town, Bintulu. If so, when? If not, why?


Dato Sri Speaker,
For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for (N. 59) Kidurong, currently, only a Voluntary Fire Station has been set up at Tatau Town. Jabatan Bomba had submitted a proposal to build a Fire Station, at Tatau under the 9th Malaysia Plan. To date, no allocation has been approved.