Thursday, September 24, 2009

Armed Gang Robbery at Taman Pearl (Chinese & English Text)













Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch,DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 24th September, 2009:

State assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing urged the police to look seriously into the gang robbery at Taman Pearl night before.

Chiew said that the police must act quickly and precisely to break up the gang in the shortest time possible.

He said that according to report, that night at about 9, a gang of 4 to 6 persons armed with knives went into a home and robbed off valuables from the 2 sisters who were in the house. They also took other valuables from the house and even hurt one of the girls.

We cannot accept robbers in gang armed with knives and other weapons roaming our street and robbing our homes as they like. By Gosh, this is a democratic country and a country rule by laws. The people paid taxes to the government, so that the government can manage our security to give us peace, security and protection for our property. Regretfully, the situation is getting from worse to worst, snatching and stealing crimes are happening everyday. Is there really no more cure for this anymore and our rule of law is crumbling?

In Bintulu, break-in into homes and stealing has been happening everyday for the past 2 months. First, it was the stealing of luxury cars and now everyday there is one or two cases of break-ins to homes stealing laptops, hand phones, cash, valuables etc.

Those were petty thefts by one or two person with simple tools. But today it has turned into gang robbers carrying weapons going into peoples home to rob, as if there is no more law. They could not even see the enforcement people in their eyes having no respect for them. This must not happen in our country.

As I observe and if these petty thefts are not stopped immediately, I am concerned that it may become worse and by the time we realize it, it may already be too late. The petty theft had transformed into gang robbery now. That is why about a week ago, I had issued an open statement to call on the government to come up with a set of solutions to overcome the rampant snatching and stealing crimes so as to restore the confident of the people in the government.

Chiew also said that it is still clear in his mind that about this time last year gang robbers carrying knives, went into peoples home at early morning hours, tied up the older folks and robbed off cash, and other valuables. Sometimes they hurt the home owners and even one was killed. That went on for about over 2 months until the DUN meeting when I attempted to move a motion on it and after that a gang was caught at Sibiew area and silenced the gang robbery for quite a while.

Today it is most regrettable that the gang robbery is back and I call on the government and all units to work together, while the police to go all out and nib the snatching, stealing and gang robbery crimes at its bud. So that Bintulu could be free from such crimes.

I hope that the Barisan National government can treat combating the crime in Bintulu as important and give full support so as to give back the peace and security of the society to the people there and win back their confidence in the government.

Chiew Chin Sing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

House Break-In -- PDRM Tips (From PDRM Homepage) BM Text

Pecah Rumah

Pihak polis ingin mengingatkan orang ramai supaya lebih berhati-hati semasa meninggalkan rumah pada masa yang agak panjang, kerana balik kampung atau menziarahi anak saudara. Sila rujuk panduan am pencegahan pecah rumah ini; maklumkan alamt rumah, alamat kampung dan nombor telefon yang boleh dihubungi sepanjang perayaan kepada jiran dan balai polis terdekat. Nombor telefon ibu pejabat polis daerah dan balai polis serta bilik gerakan yang beroperasi 24 jam boleh diperolehi di sini.

Bagaimana boleh berlaku
  • Dengan pemutar skru atau objek-objek tajam, mengumpil pintu atau tingkap
  • Menggunakan 'jack' untuk membuka jerjak besi tingkap
  • Memotong mangga (ibu kunci) dengan gergaji besi.
  • Memasuki melalui bumbung rumah/siling yang terbuka.
  • Tingkap yang tidak berkunci/terbuka
  • Menggunakan kunci pendua

Sebab-sebab Berlaku Pecah Rumah

  • Tidak memberitahu jiran dan polis apabila meninggalkan rumah kosong
  • Tiada muafakat sesama jiran untuk mengawasi kediaman masing-masing
  • Meletakkan barang yang bernilai di sekitar atau dalam rumah yang dapat dilihat dari luar
  • Menunjukkan tanda rumah tidak dihuni seperti langganan akhbar dan roti yang tidak dihentikan.
  • Kedudukan rumah yang terpencil serta struktur rumah yang memudahkan penjenayah memasukinya.
  • Membiarkan pintu atau tingkap terbuka, terdedah tanpa pengawasan atau ditutup tanpa berkunci.
  • Menggunakan kunci, mangga atau rantai yang mudah diumpil, dipotong atau dibuka dengan kunci tiruan.
  • Keadaan rumah seperti bumbung, tingkap, dinding dan sebagainya yang memudahkan penjenayah memasukinya.

Cara Pencegahan
  • Memaklumkan balai polis terdekat tentang alamat rumah, tarikh dan masa anda tidak berada di rumah. Tinggalkan maklumat secukupnya bagi memudahkan pihak jiran atau polis memaklumkan sebarang kejadian kepada anda.
  • Memasang alat-alat keselamatan tambahan pada pintu utama seperti lubang pandangan,mangga dan selak keselamatan.
  • Sentiasa pasangkan lampu bila keluar rumah.
  • Jangan tinggalkan sebarang nota yang boleh membantu pemecah rumah bertindak.
  • Hubungan yang baik dengan jiran dapat membantu keselamatan rumah bila kita tiada.
  • Pastikan pintu, tingkap dan pintu pagar berkunci sebelum meninggalkan rumah atau tidur.
  • Memelihara anjing boleh membantu mengawal rumah.
  • Pasangkan sistem penggera keselamatan yang baik unutk rumah/bangunan.
  • Kawasan rumah hendaklah sentiasa bersih dan lapang. Semak-samun, rumpun pokok dan belukar boleh menjadi tempat persembunyian pemecah rumah/penjenayah.
  • Sekiranya bercadang untuk bercuti lama, hentikan langganan akhbar atau roti supaya tidak meninggalkan tanda rumah tiada berpenghuni.

Nasihat apabila berlaku pecah rumah
  • Segera buat laporan di Balai Polis berhampiran.
  • Jangan menyentuh atau mengubah apa-apa jua barang yang didapati berselerak selepas dimasuki pencuri. Ini bertujuan untuk melindungi bukti di tempat kejadian seperti kesan cap jari atau alat-alat yang ditinggalkan penjenayah.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The BN Government Must Combat Rampant Crime Rate to Restore Basic Trust (Chinese & English Text)










Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch,DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 12th Sept., 2009.

State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing said that it is high time that the BN government come out with a set of answers to combat the rampant crime rate in our state so as to restore the basic trust of the people in its government.

What is most regrettable is that while the people are crying out for help yet the government is playing deaf, as if they just cannot hear. For so long already there is not even an answer to help the people in facing with theft cases. As a result security and peace in our state is getting worse and worse and thieves are getting more and more daring.

Take for example theft cases in Bintulu which happen almost everyday for the past few months. Thieves are breaking security grills and entering into homes, stealing laptops, hand phones, jewels, cash and others. The people lost not only their property but also are worried about the safety of themselves and their family members.

Chiew pointed out that if we do not stop these smaller house break in cases at its early stage, it may evolve into more serious crime and it may be too late then to deal with it altogether anymore.

Bintulu folks are very angry already with the thieves stealing here and there and they really had enough. A while back it was the stealing of the luxurious 4 wheel drives and today break in and stealing household goods. When is this all going to end so as to return Sarawak to its “heaven on earth” slogan as being boasted by the BN leadership few years back.

The BN government ought to know that house break ins and other crimes are getting and more serious in our state and apart from reforming the police force, government should also tackle crime from other angles like the social, commerce, migrant workers, education and others. We need to drastically reduce our poverty rate while increasing our work opportunity and to instil the right moral values and religion in our folks.

I hope that the BN government would not continue to look that helpless in facing the crime, doing practically nothing, letting out people all alone by themselves to deal with the crime. It is about time that the BN government should stand up and be counted in doing something for the people.

Chiew Chin Sing.
12th September, 2009.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Public Interest - The First Priority in the Execution of Public Works (Chinese & English Text)







卡在塞车队伍的人们,被塞车了整个钟头,气愤地向我投诉他们塞车时所承受的痛苦与损失。有的工作了一整天,累着要回家休息又不能,有生病的,有的赶时间也被耽误,有的车燃油红灯也已亮起,等等等等太多状况了。还有许多的马来同胞禁食了一天还未喝到水, 着急的正赶着回家与家人一起开斋。




Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch ,DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 3rd September, 2009

The Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong, Chiew Chin Sing, called upon the Bintulu Department of Public Works to take heed to ensure that public interest should always be first priority in the execution of any public works.

Chiew was specifically referring to the little tar sealing, upgrading works within the 5 mile length of the Bintulu/Miri Road. He said that the contractor work even at traffic peak hours and as a result, serious jam had occurred yesterday evening, where some were jammed for almost an hour.

“This should really never happen” Chiew said, “But when you have contractor who do not give due consideration and concern to others, as if traffic jam was none of its business and went on working any way at peak hours, such contractor should never be accepted to be qualified to do public works in the first place. The indifference attitude of the contractor towards the sufferings of the public as caused by his works is not right”.

It is incomprehendable how the contractor could fail to see the traffic jam it could cause by working at traffic peak hours.

The fact that this actually happen, is a glaring example of the failure of the government delivery system. People like to know how is the work actually being supervised and if the supervising unit cannot even foresee traffic jam working at peak hours, one doubt very much if they can see the quality of the final works.

Many were struck in the jam for an hour. One who was so mad called me up, and told me of his pain and losses because of the jam. Many had had a tiring day and had wanted to go home quick to rest, some were sick; some missed their appointments while for some others the fuel tank red light had even come on. And not to forget our Malay brothers and sisters who had been fasting for a whole day and need to be home to break the fast with their family.

One thing they cannot understand is why could not the works be done at night or at other none traffic peak hours.

I therefore hope that the authority concerned would take heed because this kind of man caused sufferings to others must be totally avoided. Government should always be on the alert, work efficiently, and whatever you do, think of the people. People first and give them the best service at all times.

Chiew Chin Sing.
3rd September, 2009