Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lower the Gas Prices 汽油价格应调低 2012.6.26 - Chinese and English Text


国际油价下挫 汽油价格应调低





我们在互联网上可以看到一些国家如澳洲及纽西兰,他们的燃油价格是根据国际原油价格浮动,即国际原油价格一下跌,他们的油价就跟着下降,而在前天国际原油价格每公升也下跌20仙,可是我国RON 95油价却没有变动。

在本月初政府宣布将RON 97油价降低10仙,但那只是给少数人的甜头,目前国内广大民众所使用的汽油是RON 95,人民唯有伸长脖子等待。

他说,在互联网上也可以轻而易举的知道世界产油国的汽油价格,产油国的RON 95汽油售价每公升最低为16仙髙的有1令吉22仙,其中多数为55仙;而我国RON 95汽油售价则为每公升1令吉90仙,真叫人受不了。

国阵政府表示他们已津贴很多了,但我们要问的是津贴到底去了哪里? 为什么越津贴人民越感到吃力。




201257Ron97 汽油又降低20仙。

Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong, Sarawak DAP Deputy Chairman and DAP Bintulu Branch Chairman on the 26.6.2012.

Government ought to reduce the petrol prices as world crude oil prices had already dropped significantly.

State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing regrets that the government had not kept it words to reduce the price accordingly.

He said that world oil price had come down from US 127 per barrel to US78 per barrel day before,    yet there was no adjustment to lower the fuel prices at home.

He pointed that the government had earlier promised that fuel prices in our country will float according to the world oil prices. But now, when the world oil prices had come down so much yet there was no adjustment to lower our fuel prices.

In a press conference held here in Bintulu,  Chiew also said that, people know, with world oil prices selling as low as US 78 per barrel and with no change in our fuel prices, it is only the oil companies which are gaining while the people stand to loose.

'We read from the internet that countries like Australia and New Zealand  where their fuel prices float according to world crude oil prices, and when the world oil price dropped a day ago, their petrol prices came down immediately, yet our RON 95 price                   still remain the same.'

' Although the  government did lower the price of RON 97 by ten sens early in June, but only a few stand to benefit from that, most of the people in the country who are using RON 95 could only wait and wait for the price to come down.

Prices of RON 95 of the world oil producing countries are readily available on the internet also and from it we know  that the lowest a country sell its RON 95 is only 16 cents while the higher is 1.22. Yet we are buying RON 95 at 1.90.   This is really too much.

'The National  Front, BN government had said that they are already subsidizing too much for our fuel prices. But the people want to know where have all the subsidy go ? Why is it that the more the government is subsidizing, yet the people are finding their living tougher and tougher.'

Chiew said that, people are tired of government making sweet talk, what they want is action, action to lower the fuel prices.

He also said that Malaysia is an oil producing country and by right the people should enjoy lower fuel prices so that they can grow and build the economy to create more wealth for the people.

Chiew Chin Sing.

5thJuly, 2012 Ron 97 dropped another 20 sens while Ron 95 remains the same.

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