Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let More Participate 让更多人参与2012.7.17 Chinese & Eng Text




当此概念一出现,市面就已产出了许多反对声,他们说政府不能就这样 的让一家公司包办所有沙玛拉如工业区工人的吃和住等的生意。而我也多次在州议会里外呼吁政府有必要把此生意机会让更多的人参与,包括政府撇出土地及批准执照让他人经营。



当我在五月的州议会提出有关沙玛拉如工业区的工人营为何在没有招标的情况下而由一间公司去包办时,工业发展部长Awang Tengah则说沙玛拉如工人营的推行是由一家私人公司进行,所以不必要按照正常政府承包与投标的程序,政府只伴促成的角色。





 Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Chairman DAP Bintulu Branch , DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong on 18.7.2012

I call on the government to stop allowing a single, private firm to house all the workers  at the Samalaju project in their workers camp.

There are over 4000 workers now living in the workers camp, all being handled by a single company.

When this concept first came out, the general public were already against it. They said that the government should not allow a single company to control all the business of lodging and food of the workers at the Samalaju Industrial Park. I have also said both in and outside the State Legislative council that  the government must allow more people to participate in this business including allocating venues and licenses for people to operate.

It is now clear that monopoly business only make the company rich while the benefits it brings to the workers may not be better than that by open market business. This is because if there is no competition how could there be progress and better services.

Monopoly business has a supporting hand behind and when the money is received how is the service? Monopoly business also monopolized the choices of the consumer.  To day, we are seeing and hearing so much about the problems at the workers camp from water supply, hygiene, food, queuing and others. In fact the problems related to management  like people of many backgrounds and culture living together are many. Day before, a  serious fighting had broken out and it is fortunate that the matter had not turned into an racial issue.

 At the May State Legislative Council meeting I had  brought up the question of open tender for the operating workers camp in Samalaju Industrial Park.  The Minister of Industrial Development Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah said then that the development of the workers camp there was implemented by the private sector and does not have to follow the normal Government contract and tender procedures in the implementation of this project. He added that the role of the government is purely to facilitate the project like in any other private sector project.

I believe that had there been the normal contract and tender procedures while allowing more to participate in this work, many of the contract requirements would be included in the scope of work, like  contractor capability, handling of understanding and respect for people of different cultures staying together including emotion, tension management,  as well as  others like human resource requirement  and security too.

I went and visited the injured and I hope that they would recover soon and be back to work. This act of violence must be condemned as Malaysia is a nation of rule by law and matters could be resolved through process of the law while those involved with violence must be punished.

I therefore call on the government to be reasonable and transparent when implementing projects so as to avoided all the  necessaries happenings.

Chiew Chin sing.




Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lower the Gas Prices 汽油价格应调低 2012.6.26 - Chinese and English Text


国际油价下挫 汽油价格应调低





我们在互联网上可以看到一些国家如澳洲及纽西兰,他们的燃油价格是根据国际原油价格浮动,即国际原油价格一下跌,他们的油价就跟着下降,而在前天国际原油价格每公升也下跌20仙,可是我国RON 95油价却没有变动。

在本月初政府宣布将RON 97油价降低10仙,但那只是给少数人的甜头,目前国内广大民众所使用的汽油是RON 95,人民唯有伸长脖子等待。

他说,在互联网上也可以轻而易举的知道世界产油国的汽油价格,产油国的RON 95汽油售价每公升最低为16仙髙的有1令吉22仙,其中多数为55仙;而我国RON 95汽油售价则为每公升1令吉90仙,真叫人受不了。

国阵政府表示他们已津贴很多了,但我们要问的是津贴到底去了哪里? 为什么越津贴人民越感到吃力。




201257Ron97 汽油又降低20仙。

Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, Sarawak State Assemblyman for Kidurong, Sarawak DAP Deputy Chairman and DAP Bintulu Branch Chairman on the 26.6.2012.

Government ought to reduce the petrol prices as world crude oil prices had already dropped significantly.

State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing regrets that the government had not kept it words to reduce the price accordingly.

He said that world oil price had come down from US 127 per barrel to US78 per barrel day before,    yet there was no adjustment to lower the fuel prices at home.

He pointed that the government had earlier promised that fuel prices in our country will float according to the world oil prices. But now, when the world oil prices had come down so much yet there was no adjustment to lower our fuel prices.

In a press conference held here in Bintulu,  Chiew also said that, people know, with world oil prices selling as low as US 78 per barrel and with no change in our fuel prices, it is only the oil companies which are gaining while the people stand to loose.

'We read from the internet that countries like Australia and New Zealand  where their fuel prices float according to world crude oil prices, and when the world oil price dropped a day ago, their petrol prices came down immediately, yet our RON 95 price                   still remain the same.'

' Although the  government did lower the price of RON 97 by ten sens early in June, but only a few stand to benefit from that, most of the people in the country who are using RON 95 could only wait and wait for the price to come down.

Prices of RON 95 of the world oil producing countries are readily available on the internet also and from it we know  that the lowest a country sell its RON 95 is only 16 cents while the higher is 1.22. Yet we are buying RON 95 at 1.90.   This is really too much.

'The National  Front, BN government had said that they are already subsidizing too much for our fuel prices. But the people want to know where have all the subsidy go ? Why is it that the more the government is subsidizing, yet the people are finding their living tougher and tougher.'

Chiew said that, people are tired of government making sweet talk, what they want is action, action to lower the fuel prices.

He also said that Malaysia is an oil producing country and by right the people should enjoy lower fuel prices so that they can grow and build the economy to create more wealth for the people.

Chiew Chin Sing.

5thJuly, 2012 Ron 97 dropped another 20 sens while Ron 95 remains the same.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Soaring House Prices 屋价飙升2012.6.14 Chinese & English Text.













Media Statement by Chiew Chin Sing, State Assemblyman for Kidurong, Sarawak, Sarawak DAP Deputy Chairman and DAP Bintulu Branch Chairman on the 14th of June 2012.

State Assemblyman for Kidurong Chiew Chin Sing urge the government to seriously look into the escalating home prices in the State.

He said that the prices of houses had gone up to such an extent  that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the young middle income group,  especially the newly married couples, to buy their first home. They just could not afford it.
And as for those in  the lower income group it is even more difficult for them.

Chiew pointed out that over the past year, major Sarawak towns are facing the pressure of rising home prices. A double story terrace house costs between RM350,000 to RM400,000, while in Bintulu, it is between RM388,000 and RM400,000. A double story semi detached costs an alarming record price of between RM488,000 and RM730,000 here in Bintulu.

Shelter is a basic human need and providing such need is the duty of a good government.

What happen today is that they are so many of our young people when faced with such high home prices, though difficult to leave behind their loved ones,  have no choice but to go to other countries, hoping to find  better jobs with higher income, plus the favorable foreign exchange and be able to save some money to come home and buy a house for the family.

What is ironic is that, Sarawak, a state which is so rich in natural resources, with so much land and scarce population, yet her people have to go out of the country to earn foreign exchange to come back to buy a house. Since when have we take up the 'House maid policy' of our neighbouring countries.
We understand that the prices of houses flatuate with the forces of market but that can only happen effectively in a truly free economy. In  Sarawak today, so many of our materials are being monopolized by certain groups, especially the major building materials and land as well, are being controlled. Surely this is also a major contributing factor to the rising house prices.

I therefore call on the government to loosen up the monopoly on the market, to allow more space for the market to operate more  freely and effectively. I would also like to urge the government to open up more land so as so allow the market to adjust its  own prices.

And I also call on the government to effectively run the the property taxes law so as to avoid speculation on the housing market.

Chiew Chin Sing.