在美民公路31里士米拉兆的Mr. Terence Ak Alok和友人的油棕园是一例。
油棕树都顺利成长,Mr. Terence和友人只等收取辛劳的成果,眼看油棕日渐成长。
而许多油棕树继续生长,有许多已开始结果。在2009年4月,一位自称是为DAIKEN工作的承包商来到Mr. Terence及友人的油棕园,用他的Kobelco挖泥机开始推倒他们已结果的油棕树,成千上万的油棕树被推倒,一夜之间全化为乌有。
在2009年4月18日,Mr. Terence 和友人向警方举报有关事件,虽然承包商承诺赔偿,但至今为止他们的要求仍无下文。
今天,油棕树被推倒也枯死了,Mr. Terence和友人的油棕园也没了,但却由DAIKEN承包商种满了Acacia树,所有这些有进取心的当地人投入的金钱血汗和种植在他们习俗地的油棕树全没了,也全都烟消云散。
如果政府对这些小园主关心的话,而不仅是大公司,Mr. Terence和友人所种的油棕树就不需夭折,被推倒而被Acacia树取代。
如果政府能把森林保护区的土地卖给外国公司如DAIKEN种植Acacia, 为什么就不能卖给Mr. Terence及友人,这些自己土地上的儿女。
Mr. Terence和友人呼吁政府也考虑及小园丘农业在砂州的重要。也让他们在太阳下有生存的空间。
但一般上都并非如此。正如Hassan B Ayup先生,他在1978年7月向Sulaiman Bin Baka买了在民都鲁Sg. Plan Besar,Jalan Market Garden Road,Taman Temuda的4依甲地,当时由现已故世的Penghulu Hj Hamzah Bin Keria 见证。
约有20人也在那里买地,同样都声称他们的也是习俗地。在1983年,土地局甚至有一份这样的记录,但今天在政府的记录中完全没有这项Sulaiman Bin Bakar,一名马兰诺人将习俗地卖给Hassan B Ayup及其他人的记录。虽然这件事是在发展民都鲁之前,但民都鲁的马兰诺人都知道。马兰诺人居住在那里以务农和捕鱼为生。
如果是比较友善的发展,Hassan B Ayup先生及其他20人可能还能拥有他们的习俗地,但随着民都鲁的发展,他们的土地已没有了。他们买的土地已消失在空气中。今天,这些土地已归别人所有。
我有一封由民都鲁Jalan Sibiew或Lot 44, Pearl Graden, Block 32, Kemana Land District 六十户居民的联名签署信。他们很担心,也很沮丧,因为民都鲁发展局批准比邻的土地建另一个住宅区。新的住宅区的地面将高出现在的Pearl Garden,新住宅区在两者之间建挡土墙。
新住宅区的挡土墙有3.5公尺高,连篱笆共有6公尺之高,和Pearl Garden现在的围墙背靠背将高出许多。建成之後,这道墙和Pearl Garden的屋子只有4.5尺距离或一步之遥。
Pearl Garden的居民要求民都鲁发展局能重新考虑,要求把毗邻的地面降低,让两个住宅区的高低度不至于太悬殊。
两墙之间没有通道和沟渠,分界处有两道墙,而是背靠背。任何从新住宅区挡土墙排水孔流出的东西将直接流过Pearl Garden的篱笆进入其范围。
如果沿着Jalan Tun Hussien Onn,不是所有路口转入住宅区都有交通灯,当然我们也不能这样要求。但总该为这些路口做些事,因为情况越形混乱,尤其是SMK Bandar/Shell Station及SK Sibiew的路口。这些路口设计应该改进,因为使用这路口的车辆繁多,有些车辆就直接越过分界堤转弯而去,造成高速公路交通混乱和危险。而且夜间还有许多罗里停在路边。六里喑溝工程也要快做以暏车。
但是,有发觉到沿着Tun Hussien Onn路右转进 Taman YTD及其他处的路肩太短,造成两条直行车道之一大排长龙,除非要转完了,才能通过。我吁请把转弯的路肩加长。
即使如此,这也是短期的权宜办法以减轻Tun Hussien Onn路和Jalan Sultan Iskandar的交通拥挤。今天需要的是,这两条道路两边各需笫三条车道,筑成三线或四线的高速道。因为每天有越来越多的车辆上路。
Kidurong 路也是如此。我们必须在道路阻塞前,尽快的增加车道。我想问,从Petronas Housing到Bintulu Port的新路现况如何。
每个人都对从Tg. Batu海滩到ABF Housing 地区的新海滨大道甚感满意。这两公里的车程可观赏Tg. Batu海滩和南中国海及美丽的珊瑚礁。
如果我说Tg.Batu Beach或 Tg. Kidurong Beach,这些名字马上让人明白,但若无说Pantai Temasya,你可能不知我说的是那个地方。是的,名字所做何为。名字是一个表记,都有一个故事。它拥有传承一个地方的所有传统的功能。
长久以来,Tg. Batu Beach就是在民都鲁Tg. Batu 的沙滩。那是我们长大而且每个人都有他或她的惦念、感情、记忆和故事的地方。Tg. Batu Beach这名字因此是个特别的地方,在我们心中占有特殊的地位,所以我们称这沙滩是我们的。这就是我们民都鲁人对这地方、这名字Tg. Batu Beach的感情。
今天,我们见到Pantai Temasya这名字立于沙滩上。换了名字,令人马上产生陌生感,似乎连地方也变了,感觉完全不对。 Tg. Batu Beach是在Tg. Batu的沙滩的名字。我知道民都鲁很多人都要保留这个名字,保留她的身份、她所有的故事和每个人对这沙滩的记忆。
林惠娥女士的丈夫Ngui Eng Song在1988年去世。当时她43岁,还有4个孩子要抚养。他也留下一块2.064亩的地,或称之为Lot 635, Kemana Land District。她丈夫生前在那栽种橡胶和果树。但到今天,那片地还未能转到她的名下,虽然她已经多次尝试和写了许多信,以及通过许多管道以获得过名给她。
这片地是政府在1963年批给已故Mr. Ngui的。这是他唯一留给他妻子和孩子的遗产。今天Lim 女士仍然守寡,等待着土地转名给她。我呼吁土地局帮助她,把地还给她和发给她地契。
来自民都鲁-美里路41.5英里处Juna长屋的Majah Ak Sari 原本拥有一片约4英亩的土地,并用来种植油棕树。不幸的是,国油沙巴-砂拉越的天然气管恰恰从该土地的中间直接开过,造成该土地上被毁且不再适合用来种植油棕树,变成废地。
Sg. Plan16座组屋,数以百计的家庭由于拖欠房屋贷款,被房屋委员会将他们的屋子锁起及出售的厄运,除非他们在2010年11月9日之前将债务还清。
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Budget Speech DUN November 2010 Sitting (English Version)
Speech by Chiew Chin Sing, DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Council for N59 Kidurong on the Debate of the Supply (2011) Bill 2010 and the Motion to refer the Estimates of Development Expenditure, 2010, on 4th November 2010 in the Sarawak State Legislative Council, Kuching, Sarawak.
Mr. Speaker, my heart sank ,when the bodies of the dead, one after another arrived at the mortuary at the Bintulu hospital, 13 of them, sent from Kelupu, Tatau river, where the Express boat and tug boat accident occurred.
We all wept with the families of the deceased and our sympathy go with them but no amount of tears or sorrows can bring back the lives of those who died. We thought about how could this had happened, in a land where rivers are many, and boat transportation had been our mode of transport since the early days.
We thought we have a sophisticated water transport system, and in place are our good boats, the rules and regulations. Yes, perhaps we have, but how often do we take a closer look at how things really are, and actually been travelling on a boat. Whether the boat operators are complying with the license conditions , how about the driver, the key man, to whom we entrust our lives in his hands, like the hand of the pilots of an airplane or a bus, is the maintenance on the boats sufficient, insurance, what about life vests, safety and escape procedures, ISO, river transport rules, so on and so forth.
Or are we not any better than the ferries and boats that had sank in our neighboring countries where we learnt of the neglects and mistakes made over and over again, though in place were the rules and regulations and their expertise also.
Are the lives of our people so cheap and worth so little like many other third world countries, that when we travel in our boats or even in our land transport system, the buses, the vans, cars that we are actually being transported around like goods instead of like an honorable and dignifying passenger.
It is high time that we tighten our transport system whether its land or water transport, that we give special attention to our drivers, such that they must be professional in all they do. Trained as a professional and work as a professional to up lift the whole standard of the job.
And give them the recognition which they deserve, when they are doing a good job. No more of the old days of short and slippers but to move up the notch of serving others in water transport with professionalism, as Sarawak is a land of rivers, and each day, hundreds of passengers boats sail up and down our rivers big or small in all divisions of our state. We must do all we can to constantly ensure that the lives of our passengers and the drivers are save and protected at all times especially those using the water ways.
Mr. Speaker,
The water ways below the Bakun Dam to Baleh River is gone, no more. What used to be the upper Rejang today is left with only a small muddy stream, with timber debris and sand bank on each side , ten, twenty times the width of the stream.
All of a sudden when Bakun started its impoundment on Oct 13 everything is changed. The place is all quiet and dead. The effect on the lives of the people, the eco system and environment there is too huge.
What used to be an hour boat ride from Bakun to Belaga now takes 3 hours and triple the fares, going through timber camp road to Belaga where the government offices are. Not to mention the longhouses affected from Bakun to Pelagus. The sufferings which the people there now face are really too much, too sudden and uncalled for.
Government ill prepare them for all these and even the road which was supposed to be build under the 8 Malaysia Plan from Bakun to Balaga was not build. What about the Bakun Airport which was so much talked about, it was planned for 747 landing, wasn’t it, it is not there.
The Bakun dam was supposed to bring so much high hopes to the people there, but to day they tastes only the bitter fruit of the development. I urge that government to look into the acute pains and sufferings felt by these people and take immediate actions to provide all the necessary helps that they need to pass through these hard times.
Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Terrence Anak Aloh and friends of the Similajau area, mile 31, Bintulu- Miri road. In 2006 this small group of enterprising locals had decided to take heed of the government’s advice to plant palm oil, and with what they have, they could only do it on small holdings in order to reduce their poverty. They started planting hundreds of acres of palm oil on their kampong and their temuda land.
They worked on the land, rented machines to opened up road and drains for their farm land. They bought the palm oil seedling and planted them. All their savings, EPF money, pension were all dumped in. One even sold his semi D in Bintulu to pay for the seedlings, fertilizer and other farm expenses.
The palm oil trees were growing well and Mr. Terrence and his friends were waiting for the rewards of their hard work, watching the palm oil trees grow every day.
But in early 2008 officers from the SAPU unit of the Forest Department came and told them that their temuda land is Forest Reserve land and thus the farming there were doing was on government land. All their farm tools and machineries then were taken to the Bintulu SAPU office and confiscated.
Meanwhile the palm oil trees grew on and many had started fruiting. But in April 2009, a contractor, claiming to be working for Daiken came to Mr. Terence and friends’ palm oil farm and started pushing over the fruiting palm oil trees with his kobelco crawler, thousands and thousands of them were over turned and killed overnight.
On the 18th of April, 2009, Mr. Terrance’ group made a police report about the incidence and although the contractor promised compensation but up to this day their request had been ignored.
Today with the palm oil tree turned over and died, Mr. Terrence and friends’ palm oil farm is all gone and planted with acacia trees by the contractor of Daiken. All the money, blood and sweat that was put in, by these enterprising local folks, planting palm oil on their temuda land had come to nothing, all has disappeared in thin air.
I believe that, had the government had more of the small holding farm folks in their hearts, instead of just the big companies, the palm oil planted by Mr. Terrence and his friends need not die a premature death, being turned over and died so that acacia can be planted.
If the government can sell the Forest Reserve land to a foreign company like Daiken for planting acacia, why can’t the government sell it to Mr. Terrence and his friends, the sons of our own soil.
Mr. Terrence and his friends urge that the government to think also the importance of small holders farming in Sarawak and to let them have a place under the sun. They hope that the government could also interfere in this case with regards to their compensation and that they be given a place to survive in one’s own homeland.
I call on the government that when we bring in the big development we should never forget our own people on the ground. We must make sure that they too can be a part of the development and do not loose anything but stand to gain even more from what they had.
But this is not the case always, like the case of En Hassan B Ayup who had bought four acres of Tanah Temuda at Sg. Plan Besar, Jalan Market Garden Road, Bintulu, from En Sulaiman Bin Bakar in July of 1978 as being witnessed by the late Penghulu Hj Hamzah Bin Keria .
There are about 20 others who had bought land there and are similarly claiming their Tanah Temuda there. There was even a record of this in Land and Survey Miri, in 1983, but today there is no mention anywhere of government’s record that those were theTanah Temuda of En. Sulaiman Bin Bakar, a Bintulu Melanau, who had sold his land to En Hassan B Ayup and others. Though it is a fact and well known to all the Bintulu Melanau that during the pre development days of Bintulu, the Melanau had lived there and were farming and fishing in the area.
Had there been a friendlier development, En Hasan B Ayup and the 20 others probably would still have their Tanah Temuda. But with the development of Bintulu, there lands were gone, no more. What they bought came to nothing and vanish in thin air. Today the land belongs to someone else.
But the irony of the whole thing is that as easy as the natives loose their lands, big company were easily getting lands in Bintulu. How could it be right to give land to big companies and for 99 years without even open tender and with hardly anybody knowing about it. Where is transparency? Like the near hundred acres of the old airport land and the 200 hectares of the ABF Housing beach land and others given to private companies. Why were there no open tender for sales of these prime lands which could bring in so much revenue for our state government to help our state and our people.
Another irony of the whole thing is that while lands were given away without tender, but those people who had stayed in shacks for decades and decades and who are in desperate need for a plot of land to build a house to stay, the government cannot even allocate a small piece of land for the whole community. Yet we have hectares and hectares of mix zone prime land and thousand and thousands hectares of rural agriculture lands given to big plantation companies.
Mr. Speaker,
Although a large part of the land under section 47 had been released earlier this year after years and years of unhappiness and outcry by the people in Bintulu. There are still quite a bit of which, that are still not released. The government said that many of those are for infrastructures development and others.
I am talking about the land at the near side of the Kemena river at the Nyigu road area, many of these lands are still under section 47. Like other lands in Bintulu if they could be released from section 47, why not these. They are all Bintulu land and what ever development studies or planning that needs to be done, after some thirty odd years now, should all have been done already and those not required should be released like those lands that had been released. It is therefore urged that these lands be released immediately of section 47 also. Land owners are afraid of having to wait again, as the last time they waited, they waited for thirty odd years. I therefore say, land that are acquired under section 47 and not used, be released automatically in 2 years.
Mr. Speaker,
I have a copy of a letter jointly signed by 60 house owners of Lot 44, Pearl Garden, Block 32, Kemena Land District or at Jalan Sibiew, Bintulu. Home owners of the Pearl Garden are very concerned and sad about the approval of the housing estate level by the authority for the development of an adjourning neighbouring lot into another housing estate. The level of the new housing estate is at a level much higher than that of the adjacent existing Pearl Garden and as a result, a retaining is built between the two at the boundaries.
The retaining wall of the new housing estate is 3.5 meter high and together with a fence, the whole wall will be 6 meter high, back to back with Pearl Garden existing wall, and towering over their houses. After completion, the distance between the retaining wall and the Pearl Garden house is only four and half feet apart or a step away.
Pearl Garden home owners are asking the authority to reconsider in giving the approval to the adjacent lot to a lower level, instead of the big difference in level of the two housing estates. Because with a double wall at the boundary, back to back, whatever that flows out from the weeps holes of the retaining wall of the new housing estate, is coming out and flowing onto the fences and compounds of the Pearl Garden Folks.
Whichever the case may be it is urged that the matter be looked into again from and with, both sides. We appreciate housing developers making houses for people to buy and live in and the BDA in approving building plans and projects, but whatever we do, decisions we make, make sure that it can help us to live together happily and harmoniously as good and happy neighbours
Mr. Speaker,
Along the Jalan Tun Hussein Onn, not all junctions, going into the many housing estates, has traffic lights, and of course we cannot have that. But however, something has to be done at these junctions, as it is getting messy, especially the junctions at the SMK Bandar/Shell Station and SK Sibiew. These junctions have to be better planned and developed, as too many cars are using or not using these junctions, some just drive across the road median and make a turn, making driving on the highway quite disorderly and dangerous indeed. Apart from that lorries parking alongside the road at night and the snail pace culvert construction at mile 6 are causing problems there too.
However, it was noted that along the Tun Hussein Onn Road, the right turning shoulder lanes to Taman YTD and others are all very short, queuing into, one of the two straight going lanes, making it passable only when the turning is done. It is urged that the turning shoulder lanes must be lengthened.
But even with that, I think this could only be a short term measure to alleviate the congested traffic along the Tun Hussein Onn road and Jalan Sultan Iskandar. What is needed today is a third lane on each side for these two roads, making them into 3 or four lanes highways, as more and more cars join us every day on the road.
Such is also the case at the Kidurong road. We need to add more lanes to the road urgently, before the road is jam stuck. And what is the status of the new road going to and from the Petronas Housing to the Bintulu Port, may I ask.
Mr. Speaker,
Every body enjoys so much the new sea shore road, leading from Tg. Batu Beach to the ABF Housing area. The 2 KM drive have a pleasant view of the Tg. Batu Beach, the south China Sea and the beautiful lagoon.
Driving along the road, though is not completely like driving along the Lake Shore Drive of Lake Michigan, but the feeling is the same. Because it is only 2 KM, and like I say, every body is enjoying it, it is hoped that at least a part of the lagoon could be retained and developed into a water park, incorporating and keeping much of the existing sea shore activities, and adding on some water sports. This is because for so long already, this beach area had been one of the favorite places for rest and relaxation for the people in Bintulu. But today with the earth filling works going on in the lagoon all is going to be different.
Mr. Speaker,
If I say Tg. Batu Beach or Tg. Kidurong Beach these names ring a bell immediately. But if I say Pantai Temasya, you would probably wonder where that is. Yes, for what is in a name. A name is an identity, it tells a story. It carries with it the heritage and all the traditions of a place.
For as long as many of us know, Tg. Batu Beach had been the name of the beach at Tg. Batu, that famous place in Bintulu where many of us grew up with and each having his or her own affinity, feeling, memories and story of the place. The name Tg. Batu Beach thus have become a special place, occupying a special part in our hearts and therefore we call the beach our own. That is how it is for all of us in Bintulu with regards to the place and name Tg. Batu Beach.
Today we see the name Pantai Temasya placed at the beach. Seeing the name changed, one immediately get a feeling of it being quite foreign, as if the place has changed, it is just not the same feeling. Tg. Batu Beach is the name of the beach at Tg. Batu, I know many people in Bintulu would like to keep it that way, keeping her identity and all the stories and memories of the beech for each and every one of us.
Mr. Speaker,
Bintulu Sibu road is getting worse and worse and it can only get worse until they are done over. There are so many cars using this road and no reason that the road should not be kept in top notch condition. I urge that major road repair be done to those stretches that are worn out already and lay down a new stretch and make them at least look like a highway which is only possible with high quality works and close supervision.
Mr. Speaker,
Madam Lim Hui Ngo’s husband Ngui Eng Song died in 1988 when she was 43 years old, leaving her 4 children to raise. He also left a 2.064 acre land lot, known as Lot 635, Kemana Land District which her husband had planted rubber trees and fruit trees. But up this day the land is not transferred to her name yet even though she had tried many times, written some many letters and through so many avenues to get the land transfer to her name.
Land and Survey, Bintulu in 1997 wrote a letter to her and told her that her application for the issuance of title for the above lot is not approved and since then she had been trying even harder, making appeal after appeal through letters or personally to all concerned but all to no avail.
The land was given to the late Mr. Ngui in 1963 by the government then and this was the only property which he had left for his wife and the children. Today madam Lim is still a widower waiting for the transfer of the land to her name. I therefore urge that the Land and Survey Department to help her in this case and give her back the land and issue her the land title.
Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Majah Anak Sari of Rh Juna, Mile 41.5, Bintulu –Miri road, had about 4 acres of land near his longhouse where he had planted palm oil tress. But sadly the Petronas Sabah-Sarawak pipe passed by right through the middle of his land bull dozing off his palm oil making his land completely not useable anymore because it passed through the middle.
Land and Survey compensated him only 0.019 acres or an amount of over a thousand ringgit. It is really not enough, at least pay him enough money so that he can buy another piece of land as this is all that he has, and now all broken up. He and his family need a piece of land for a living after his pension soon.
Mr. Majah had made so many appeals and wrote many letters even to Petronas but all to no avail. I hope that his problem can be solved so that Mr. Majah does not have to loss everything because of development.
Mr. Speaker,
Hundred and hundred of the over thousand units of the 16 blocks of flat housing at Sg. Plan owed housing loans to the Housing Commission and are facing having their homes locked in by the Housing Commission and sold off unless they settle their outstanding debt by 9th of Nov, 2010.
Many are getting panicky as they do not know where to get the money to pay off the debt. They are worried because once their flat unit is locked in, where are they going to stay, what about their children and their elderly. Almost all who stay there are the natives who have come from all over Sarawak, from Miri, Niah, Kemena, Kakus, Mukah, Tamin, Sibu, Kapit, Sarikei, Betong, Serian and others coming to Bintulu to find a living.
They have written to the Housing Commission and ask for leniency and to reschedule their debts and I urge that the Housing Commission to give them due consideration and not to be too harsh on them, locking them out of their homes and selling off their flats. What else do they have?
I am not condoning those who can pay but are not paying, these people should pay up. But there those who genuinely cannot pay and I urge that Housing Commission do a detail survey into this, to study their background and their income level and work out a plan to reschedule their debts so that they can stay on in their homes.
Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, my heart sank ,when the bodies of the dead, one after another arrived at the mortuary at the Bintulu hospital, 13 of them, sent from Kelupu, Tatau river, where the Express boat and tug boat accident occurred.
We all wept with the families of the deceased and our sympathy go with them but no amount of tears or sorrows can bring back the lives of those who died. We thought about how could this had happened, in a land where rivers are many, and boat transportation had been our mode of transport since the early days.
We thought we have a sophisticated water transport system, and in place are our good boats, the rules and regulations. Yes, perhaps we have, but how often do we take a closer look at how things really are, and actually been travelling on a boat. Whether the boat operators are complying with the license conditions , how about the driver, the key man, to whom we entrust our lives in his hands, like the hand of the pilots of an airplane or a bus, is the maintenance on the boats sufficient, insurance, what about life vests, safety and escape procedures, ISO, river transport rules, so on and so forth.
Or are we not any better than the ferries and boats that had sank in our neighboring countries where we learnt of the neglects and mistakes made over and over again, though in place were the rules and regulations and their expertise also.
Are the lives of our people so cheap and worth so little like many other third world countries, that when we travel in our boats or even in our land transport system, the buses, the vans, cars that we are actually being transported around like goods instead of like an honorable and dignifying passenger.
It is high time that we tighten our transport system whether its land or water transport, that we give special attention to our drivers, such that they must be professional in all they do. Trained as a professional and work as a professional to up lift the whole standard of the job.
And give them the recognition which they deserve, when they are doing a good job. No more of the old days of short and slippers but to move up the notch of serving others in water transport with professionalism, as Sarawak is a land of rivers, and each day, hundreds of passengers boats sail up and down our rivers big or small in all divisions of our state. We must do all we can to constantly ensure that the lives of our passengers and the drivers are save and protected at all times especially those using the water ways.
Mr. Speaker,
The water ways below the Bakun Dam to Baleh River is gone, no more. What used to be the upper Rejang today is left with only a small muddy stream, with timber debris and sand bank on each side , ten, twenty times the width of the stream.
All of a sudden when Bakun started its impoundment on Oct 13 everything is changed. The place is all quiet and dead. The effect on the lives of the people, the eco system and environment there is too huge.
What used to be an hour boat ride from Bakun to Belaga now takes 3 hours and triple the fares, going through timber camp road to Belaga where the government offices are. Not to mention the longhouses affected from Bakun to Pelagus. The sufferings which the people there now face are really too much, too sudden and uncalled for.
Government ill prepare them for all these and even the road which was supposed to be build under the 8 Malaysia Plan from Bakun to Balaga was not build. What about the Bakun Airport which was so much talked about, it was planned for 747 landing, wasn’t it, it is not there.
The Bakun dam was supposed to bring so much high hopes to the people there, but to day they tastes only the bitter fruit of the development. I urge that government to look into the acute pains and sufferings felt by these people and take immediate actions to provide all the necessary helps that they need to pass through these hard times.
Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Terrence Anak Aloh and friends of the Similajau area, mile 31, Bintulu- Miri road. In 2006 this small group of enterprising locals had decided to take heed of the government’s advice to plant palm oil, and with what they have, they could only do it on small holdings in order to reduce their poverty. They started planting hundreds of acres of palm oil on their kampong and their temuda land.
They worked on the land, rented machines to opened up road and drains for their farm land. They bought the palm oil seedling and planted them. All their savings, EPF money, pension were all dumped in. One even sold his semi D in Bintulu to pay for the seedlings, fertilizer and other farm expenses.
The palm oil trees were growing well and Mr. Terrence and his friends were waiting for the rewards of their hard work, watching the palm oil trees grow every day.
But in early 2008 officers from the SAPU unit of the Forest Department came and told them that their temuda land is Forest Reserve land and thus the farming there were doing was on government land. All their farm tools and machineries then were taken to the Bintulu SAPU office and confiscated.
Meanwhile the palm oil trees grew on and many had started fruiting. But in April 2009, a contractor, claiming to be working for Daiken came to Mr. Terence and friends’ palm oil farm and started pushing over the fruiting palm oil trees with his kobelco crawler, thousands and thousands of them were over turned and killed overnight.
On the 18th of April, 2009, Mr. Terrance’ group made a police report about the incidence and although the contractor promised compensation but up to this day their request had been ignored.
Today with the palm oil tree turned over and died, Mr. Terrence and friends’ palm oil farm is all gone and planted with acacia trees by the contractor of Daiken. All the money, blood and sweat that was put in, by these enterprising local folks, planting palm oil on their temuda land had come to nothing, all has disappeared in thin air.
I believe that, had the government had more of the small holding farm folks in their hearts, instead of just the big companies, the palm oil planted by Mr. Terrence and his friends need not die a premature death, being turned over and died so that acacia can be planted.
If the government can sell the Forest Reserve land to a foreign company like Daiken for planting acacia, why can’t the government sell it to Mr. Terrence and his friends, the sons of our own soil.
Mr. Terrence and his friends urge that the government to think also the importance of small holders farming in Sarawak and to let them have a place under the sun. They hope that the government could also interfere in this case with regards to their compensation and that they be given a place to survive in one’s own homeland.
I call on the government that when we bring in the big development we should never forget our own people on the ground. We must make sure that they too can be a part of the development and do not loose anything but stand to gain even more from what they had.
But this is not the case always, like the case of En Hassan B Ayup who had bought four acres of Tanah Temuda at Sg. Plan Besar, Jalan Market Garden Road, Bintulu, from En Sulaiman Bin Bakar in July of 1978 as being witnessed by the late Penghulu Hj Hamzah Bin Keria .
There are about 20 others who had bought land there and are similarly claiming their Tanah Temuda there. There was even a record of this in Land and Survey Miri, in 1983, but today there is no mention anywhere of government’s record that those were theTanah Temuda of En. Sulaiman Bin Bakar, a Bintulu Melanau, who had sold his land to En Hassan B Ayup and others. Though it is a fact and well known to all the Bintulu Melanau that during the pre development days of Bintulu, the Melanau had lived there and were farming and fishing in the area.
Had there been a friendlier development, En Hasan B Ayup and the 20 others probably would still have their Tanah Temuda. But with the development of Bintulu, there lands were gone, no more. What they bought came to nothing and vanish in thin air. Today the land belongs to someone else.
But the irony of the whole thing is that as easy as the natives loose their lands, big company were easily getting lands in Bintulu. How could it be right to give land to big companies and for 99 years without even open tender and with hardly anybody knowing about it. Where is transparency? Like the near hundred acres of the old airport land and the 200 hectares of the ABF Housing beach land and others given to private companies. Why were there no open tender for sales of these prime lands which could bring in so much revenue for our state government to help our state and our people.
Another irony of the whole thing is that while lands were given away without tender, but those people who had stayed in shacks for decades and decades and who are in desperate need for a plot of land to build a house to stay, the government cannot even allocate a small piece of land for the whole community. Yet we have hectares and hectares of mix zone prime land and thousand and thousands hectares of rural agriculture lands given to big plantation companies.
Mr. Speaker,
Although a large part of the land under section 47 had been released earlier this year after years and years of unhappiness and outcry by the people in Bintulu. There are still quite a bit of which, that are still not released. The government said that many of those are for infrastructures development and others.
I am talking about the land at the near side of the Kemena river at the Nyigu road area, many of these lands are still under section 47. Like other lands in Bintulu if they could be released from section 47, why not these. They are all Bintulu land and what ever development studies or planning that needs to be done, after some thirty odd years now, should all have been done already and those not required should be released like those lands that had been released. It is therefore urged that these lands be released immediately of section 47 also. Land owners are afraid of having to wait again, as the last time they waited, they waited for thirty odd years. I therefore say, land that are acquired under section 47 and not used, be released automatically in 2 years.
Mr. Speaker,
I have a copy of a letter jointly signed by 60 house owners of Lot 44, Pearl Garden, Block 32, Kemena Land District or at Jalan Sibiew, Bintulu. Home owners of the Pearl Garden are very concerned and sad about the approval of the housing estate level by the authority for the development of an adjourning neighbouring lot into another housing estate. The level of the new housing estate is at a level much higher than that of the adjacent existing Pearl Garden and as a result, a retaining is built between the two at the boundaries.
The retaining wall of the new housing estate is 3.5 meter high and together with a fence, the whole wall will be 6 meter high, back to back with Pearl Garden existing wall, and towering over their houses. After completion, the distance between the retaining wall and the Pearl Garden house is only four and half feet apart or a step away.
Pearl Garden home owners are asking the authority to reconsider in giving the approval to the adjacent lot to a lower level, instead of the big difference in level of the two housing estates. Because with a double wall at the boundary, back to back, whatever that flows out from the weeps holes of the retaining wall of the new housing estate, is coming out and flowing onto the fences and compounds of the Pearl Garden Folks.
Whichever the case may be it is urged that the matter be looked into again from and with, both sides. We appreciate housing developers making houses for people to buy and live in and the BDA in approving building plans and projects, but whatever we do, decisions we make, make sure that it can help us to live together happily and harmoniously as good and happy neighbours
Mr. Speaker,
Along the Jalan Tun Hussein Onn, not all junctions, going into the many housing estates, has traffic lights, and of course we cannot have that. But however, something has to be done at these junctions, as it is getting messy, especially the junctions at the SMK Bandar/Shell Station and SK Sibiew. These junctions have to be better planned and developed, as too many cars are using or not using these junctions, some just drive across the road median and make a turn, making driving on the highway quite disorderly and dangerous indeed. Apart from that lorries parking alongside the road at night and the snail pace culvert construction at mile 6 are causing problems there too.
However, it was noted that along the Tun Hussein Onn Road, the right turning shoulder lanes to Taman YTD and others are all very short, queuing into, one of the two straight going lanes, making it passable only when the turning is done. It is urged that the turning shoulder lanes must be lengthened.
But even with that, I think this could only be a short term measure to alleviate the congested traffic along the Tun Hussein Onn road and Jalan Sultan Iskandar. What is needed today is a third lane on each side for these two roads, making them into 3 or four lanes highways, as more and more cars join us every day on the road.
Such is also the case at the Kidurong road. We need to add more lanes to the road urgently, before the road is jam stuck. And what is the status of the new road going to and from the Petronas Housing to the Bintulu Port, may I ask.
Mr. Speaker,
Every body enjoys so much the new sea shore road, leading from Tg. Batu Beach to the ABF Housing area. The 2 KM drive have a pleasant view of the Tg. Batu Beach, the south China Sea and the beautiful lagoon.
Driving along the road, though is not completely like driving along the Lake Shore Drive of Lake Michigan, but the feeling is the same. Because it is only 2 KM, and like I say, every body is enjoying it, it is hoped that at least a part of the lagoon could be retained and developed into a water park, incorporating and keeping much of the existing sea shore activities, and adding on some water sports. This is because for so long already, this beach area had been one of the favorite places for rest and relaxation for the people in Bintulu. But today with the earth filling works going on in the lagoon all is going to be different.
Mr. Speaker,
If I say Tg. Batu Beach or Tg. Kidurong Beach these names ring a bell immediately. But if I say Pantai Temasya, you would probably wonder where that is. Yes, for what is in a name. A name is an identity, it tells a story. It carries with it the heritage and all the traditions of a place.
For as long as many of us know, Tg. Batu Beach had been the name of the beach at Tg. Batu, that famous place in Bintulu where many of us grew up with and each having his or her own affinity, feeling, memories and story of the place. The name Tg. Batu Beach thus have become a special place, occupying a special part in our hearts and therefore we call the beach our own. That is how it is for all of us in Bintulu with regards to the place and name Tg. Batu Beach.
Today we see the name Pantai Temasya placed at the beach. Seeing the name changed, one immediately get a feeling of it being quite foreign, as if the place has changed, it is just not the same feeling. Tg. Batu Beach is the name of the beach at Tg. Batu, I know many people in Bintulu would like to keep it that way, keeping her identity and all the stories and memories of the beech for each and every one of us.
Mr. Speaker,
Bintulu Sibu road is getting worse and worse and it can only get worse until they are done over. There are so many cars using this road and no reason that the road should not be kept in top notch condition. I urge that major road repair be done to those stretches that are worn out already and lay down a new stretch and make them at least look like a highway which is only possible with high quality works and close supervision.
Mr. Speaker,
Madam Lim Hui Ngo’s husband Ngui Eng Song died in 1988 when she was 43 years old, leaving her 4 children to raise. He also left a 2.064 acre land lot, known as Lot 635, Kemana Land District which her husband had planted rubber trees and fruit trees. But up this day the land is not transferred to her name yet even though she had tried many times, written some many letters and through so many avenues to get the land transfer to her name.
Land and Survey, Bintulu in 1997 wrote a letter to her and told her that her application for the issuance of title for the above lot is not approved and since then she had been trying even harder, making appeal after appeal through letters or personally to all concerned but all to no avail.
The land was given to the late Mr. Ngui in 1963 by the government then and this was the only property which he had left for his wife and the children. Today madam Lim is still a widower waiting for the transfer of the land to her name. I therefore urge that the Land and Survey Department to help her in this case and give her back the land and issue her the land title.
Mr. Speaker,
Mr. Majah Anak Sari of Rh Juna, Mile 41.5, Bintulu –Miri road, had about 4 acres of land near his longhouse where he had planted palm oil tress. But sadly the Petronas Sabah-Sarawak pipe passed by right through the middle of his land bull dozing off his palm oil making his land completely not useable anymore because it passed through the middle.
Land and Survey compensated him only 0.019 acres or an amount of over a thousand ringgit. It is really not enough, at least pay him enough money so that he can buy another piece of land as this is all that he has, and now all broken up. He and his family need a piece of land for a living after his pension soon.
Mr. Majah had made so many appeals and wrote many letters even to Petronas but all to no avail. I hope that his problem can be solved so that Mr. Majah does not have to loss everything because of development.
Mr. Speaker,
Hundred and hundred of the over thousand units of the 16 blocks of flat housing at Sg. Plan owed housing loans to the Housing Commission and are facing having their homes locked in by the Housing Commission and sold off unless they settle their outstanding debt by 9th of Nov, 2010.
Many are getting panicky as they do not know where to get the money to pay off the debt. They are worried because once their flat unit is locked in, where are they going to stay, what about their children and their elderly. Almost all who stay there are the natives who have come from all over Sarawak, from Miri, Niah, Kemena, Kakus, Mukah, Tamin, Sibu, Kapit, Sarikei, Betong, Serian and others coming to Bintulu to find a living.
They have written to the Housing Commission and ask for leniency and to reschedule their debts and I urge that the Housing Commission to give them due consideration and not to be too harsh on them, locking them out of their homes and selling off their flats. What else do they have?
I am not condoning those who can pay but are not paying, these people should pay up. But there those who genuinely cannot pay and I urge that Housing Commission do a detail survey into this, to study their background and their income level and work out a plan to reschedule their debts so that they can stay on in their homes.
Thank you.
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