Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Debate on the 2013 Budget (Chinese & English version)

2013 财政预算案演词。










715日当夜发生的事件,今天已清楚显示出见着全拿的政策是会产生反效果的。发生的事故只能打击投资者的信心。我在报章上看到,后来我去搜查,得知在士米拉如提供工人暂时住宿的公司是三马拉如产业发展有限公司。它在2010621日前,其前身是位于古晋玛穆大厦6楼的Warisan  Makna 有限公司。三马拉如产业发展有限公司的股东是:1)民都鲁发展局拥有100,000股,2)三马拉如工业有限公司拥有510,000股,3Niam土地有限公司拥有剩下的390,000股。三马拉如工业有限公司的总注册股本是100,000,000股,而28,000,000股是分发给砂劳越日光公司,而士三马拉如工业有限公司握有三马拉如产业发展有限公司的控制权。



我想没有人对它为劳工在当地提供暂时住宿有任何疑惑,但大小通吃的包括所有劳工们所有住宿、伙食、食堂、洗濯衣物等等就有意见了。那么除了成为他们营中的劳工外,还留下什么给民都鲁甚至砂劳越人什么生意做呢?任何人 想在那里做任何生意,在你采取任何行动前当局的法令和条例以把你绑死!但唯有他们的公司却可以。




我也获知政府正测量在Nyalau的习俗地。不知是否属实,在确定土地面积和地主之后,每位地主将获得一块在Tg. Payong同等面积的土地做为赔偿,然后整个甘榜Nyalau将迁移至该处。留下在Nyalau的房屋、田地和庄园、他们的文化和传统、历史,在一个新的地方Tg. Payong另起炉灶,而等待的可能是又一个发展来到Tg. Payong,而再一次的跋涉、赔偿、迁移到另一个新的地方。这在民都鲁已经发生过许多次。甘榜居民移出他们的祖居地,为发展而让路,强迫新一代的甘榜人民开始在新地方展开新生活。政府是否在追求工业化发展的道路上迷失了道德方向?






与此相反的制度既是采掘经济制度 采掘是因为这制度是为了向社会的一个群体抽取收入和财富惠益社会的另一个群体。













再上去一些,接近士米拉如地区约有27座长屋,这里的屋长都没获得确认成为屋长。有些被告知因他们的长屋不够长,所以他们就把屋子延长,但 经过多年仍然未获确认,长屋人口却已经增加了两倍。就如Rh. Jun, Rh. Galau, Rh. Vicker, Rh. Unong, Rh. Radin, Rh. Tanjong, Rh. Manggong, Rh. Mandu, Rh. SSibat, Rh. Albert Sampang, Rh. Rinkai, Rh. Langga, Rh. Ehkiaw, Rh. Kutau, Rh. Rampai, Rh. Siga, Rh. Surong, Rh. Dundang, Rh. Sana, Rh. Christopher, Rh. Simuk, Rh. Johhny, Rh. Banggau, Rh. Silong, Rh. Kakong, Rh. Padang 及其他等等。




LabangSaka Anak Juna长屋是民都鲁最长和最久的长屋之一,它就在Suai 桥靠民都鲁侧8里的民美公路路旁。但至今仍然没有水供和电供。这拥有60户的长屋,就在那里他们的习俗地上存在了快半个世纪,但没有获得政府的水供和电供。



乡村居民都有许多痛苦和贫穷的故事。按理,成立马来西亚50年后,我们应该拥有所有的基本设施。但政府没能做到。她失败了。在Sungai Suai下游地区渴望获得水供和电供的需求,历经好几十年仍然遥遥无期。从Kuala Suai的马来甘榜到沿河到Pasir Puteh地区的长屋,到Iran甘榜及一路到沿河的许许多多长屋,包括天猛公和本曼查们的长屋都,没有水和电供,他们都太迫切需要这些基本设施但都没有。而从甘榜芝拔到瓜拉达岛沿海大路两旁的几十座长屋也一样。他们有电线和水管从长屋前拉过可是却没有接到他们的长屋去。即使是Suai 路,已承诺将筑至Suai桥,但也是同样遥遥无期。难怪越来越多的乡村居民对今天的政府失去信心。

最后,议长先生,何时Kuala Tatau/Balingian路会建成,这已经太久了。丹戎巴都幸运广场商业中心和许多商业中心的周边沟渠都沉陷,是否有什么修建计划。最后,在Kemunting BaruSibiew路水患的原因是什么,有纾缓的计划吗。政府是否在批准发展Sebub岛房屋计划时有进行中和环境抨击抨估报告,包括河流两岸的保护区。


Speech by Chiew Chin Sing, DAP Sarawak Deputy Chairman and Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Council for N59 Kidurong on the Debate of the Supply (2013) Bill 2012 and the Motion to refer the  Estimates of Development Expenditure, 2013, on 22nd November 2012 in the Sarawak State Legislative Council, Kuching, Sarawak.

Mr. Speaker,

Round about 10 oclock at night on July 15th, about 4 months ago, more than a hundred workers  rushed to and   surrounded  a Block 9, dormitory of the workers camp at Samalaju Industrial Park at Similajau, Bintulu.  They chanted and chanted  outside the dorm and then started beating on the window, breaking them,  they then  kicked open the dormitory door and  went in,  to  attack the  workers who were about to go to sleep inside the dorm.


Several of them , were  hit by a fire extinguisher used  to attack them . Others tried to rush out the door to try to escape  but went right into the mob outside and were punched, kicked and hit with whatever. Some tried  to hide in the ceiling of the room but was porched by the attackers from below.


The scene was most frightening as those being attacked did not know whether they were going to get out of this alive or not,   with so many coming at them. they were  horrified . In the end,  15 of them were hurt, out of whom 6 were seriously injured and were either unconscious or in semi conscious conditions. They were  sent to the Bintulu Hospital for treatment of broken bones,  cuts and  bruises.


And as they were carried out one by one in stretchers groaning and bleeding with  hot blood still flowing from their wounds, the cries of victories from the mobs, as each was carried out,  sent chills down ones spine, of the anger, frustration and grudges that had been bottled up for so long in them.  Together  with them were  5 more others who were also wounded, though not so severely but have to be hospitalized . All going to the hospital while leaving their room that night only to be ransacked and turned upside down by the attackers. They lost all their belongings.


A local worker was also sent to the hospital for treatment of injury.


Mr. speaker,

The Workers camp at Samalaju Industrial Park, Bintulu,  has 4250 workers as of the incident date, living in the  camp, all from  the

investing companies at Samalaju Industrial Park . Local workers and Indonesians form about 70% of the population there , while others are from China, Thailand, Singapore, Burma, India The Philippines and others. The workers camp charge an amount of   RM 1030  per person for a months stay in a cabin dormitory of 18 beds including food,laundry  and others.

Why do we have  to get all the workers of the investing companies at Samalaju Indurtrial Park  to live in one company's camp only. Is that part of the conditions for foreign firms investing in Samalaju. Is it really healthy to let  just let one company to do all especially when there are 4250 workers with so many nationalities, and so diversified in race, culture and religion ?  Why cant the jobs be split up and let others in Bintulu or other Sarawakians be given a chance  to participate,  not only to share the profits but also to share the burden of work and management skills and  also to provide more  diversified services to the workers. For at least, the investing companies be given an alternative  choice for their workers. It really baffles one to see the logic of the whole doing.

Today the incident on the night of July 15th had shown how see all and take all policies can backfire. It could have been worst, as such incidences could only hamper the confidence of  the  investors.


I read from the newspapers, and later made a search and found out that the company providing the temporary accommodations is Samalaju Property Development Sdn. Bhd which had taken over its previous name of  Warisan Makna Sdn Bhd of Level 6, Wisma Mahmud, Kuching on the 21st of June, 2010.  Shareholders of the Samalaju Property Development Sdn. Bhd., are 1.) Bintulu Development Authority holding 100,000 shares, 2.) the Samalaju Industries Sdn. Bhd. Holding 510,000 shares while number 3.) Naim Land Sdn.Bhd  holding the rest of the 390,000 share.


The total authorized share of Samalaju Industries Sdn. Bhd which has the controlling power in the Samalaju Property Development Sdn Bhd., is  100,000,000 shares of which 28,000,000 shares had been issued to Cahya Mata Sarawak Bhd.


Tuan Speaker,


The nature of the Business of Samalaju  Property Development Sdn Bhd as stated in its corporate information is the provision and management of temporary accommodations and development of  new township at Samalaju Industrial Park.


I do not think any one of us will have any qualms about providing the temporary accommodations for the workers there, but not sapu semua taking in all the accommodations, food, canting,  laundry, etc etc , for all the workers there. So what is there left for the Bintulu and the Sarawak peoples to do businesses, apart from becoming workers in the camp itself ? Anyone trying to do any business there, the by laws and regulations of the Authorities  would have you tied down in no time before you can even move ! But  its all alright for the company.


This kind of practice deprives the local business community and peoples from participating and developing businesses and thus hampering again the chance of growing the middle class  economy. What we need is a level playing field so  that we can reduce the big gap between the rich and  the poor to bring us back to a  healthy economic path.


Next in the business of Samalaju Property Development Sdn.Bhd.  is the development   of  a new township at Samalaju Industrial Park. So instead of Samling as in the development of  Bintulu, and whether the Samalaju  Property Development Sdn Bhd  will take after the Samling path where the government will acquire the NCR land of the folks of Nyalau, hand it over to them  and then they develop it into a new township, the people want to know ! If this is so,  isnt it  the same old development model which has failed to create the  wealth for the kampong NCR  land owners in Bintulu but is now in place again in Nyalau.


Today, the government is yet   acquiring another 302.90 hectare of the NCR land of the people of kampong Nyalau for the Samalaju Industrial Park and Township. The people in Nyalau are crying foul,  many of them have objected to this and asked that they be excluded from their land being acquired. They want to be a part of the township development also  and share the benefits from  development.


It has also come to my knowledge that the government is surveying the NCR land at Nyalau and whether it is true that after the  area of land for each owner is determined that they will  all be compensated with a same size of land at Tg. Payong and then the whole Nyalau Kampong will be moved there, leaving behind  their Nyalau homes, farm lands and gardens, their culture and heritage and their precious history, to start the life a new at Tg. Payong, only waiting to be compensated and moved again to another place if and when one day another development project comes along to Tg. Payong, like as it had been  in so many cases in Bintulu. Kampong people moving out from  their ancestral land, to give way to  development forcing  a whole new generation of the kampong people to start their lives  anew all over again in a new  land . Is the government loosing its moral compass in her quest to Industrialization ?


Mr. Speaker,

The people want development and want to be a part of development and not lari from development. If each time when development comes along and there are moved out of it, when can they ever participate in the development  and benefits from the fruits of  it and rid themselves of the vicious circle of  poverty. It will then be remembered in history that the Kampong peoples  were poor not because of their culture or geography but because those who had power made choices that created poverty.

Mr. Speaker,

We cannot be so exclusive in running the country. Businesses exclusively for a few big companies, development exclusively in the hands of a few. Politics exclusively in the hands of a few. History are full of examples of the failure of nations because of such practices.

Throughout history, economic growth and prosperity are associated with inclusive economic and inclusive political institutions, while extractive economic and extractive political institutions typically lead to stagnation and poverty.

Inclusive economic institutions are those that allow and encourage participation by the great mass of people in economic activities and make best use of their talents and skill and that enable individual to make the choices they wish. To be inclusive, economic institutions must  feature secure private property, an unbiased system of law, and a provision of public services that provides a level  playing field in which people can exchange and contract, it also must permit the entry of new businesses and allow people to choose their careers.


And institutions which have opposite properties to these, are called extractive  economic institutions extractive because such institutions are designed to extract incomes and wealth from one subset of society to benefit a different subset.


Political institutions are the  key determinants of any  society .Political institutions determine who has power in a society and to

what ends that power can be used. If the distribution of power is narrow and unconstrained, then the political institutions are absolutist, those who can wield this power will be able to set up economic institutions to enrich themselves and augment their power at the expense of society and we call them the extractive political institutions.


When Robert Mugabe ruled  Zimbabwe,  since 1980 he had won the lottery, which was worth a hundred  thousand Zimbabwe dollars. Zimbank claimed that Mr. Mugabes name had been drawn from among thousands of eligible customers. What a lucky man. The lottery ticket was just one more indication of Zimbabwes extractive institutions. One could call this corruption, but it is just a symptom of the institutional malaise in Zimbabwe. But the fact that Mugabe could even win the lottery if he wanted,  showed how much control he had over matters in Zimbabwe and gave the world a glimpse of the extent of the countrys extractive institutions.


In contrast, political institutions that distribute power broadly in society, and subject it to constraints are pluralistic. Instead of being vested in a single individual or a narrow group, political power rests with a broad coalition or a plurality of groups, and we call

this inclusive political institutions.


So we have the Extractive verses the inclusive economic institutions and extractive verses the inclusive political institutions. There is a strong synergy between economic and political institutions. Extractive political institutions concentrate power in the hands of a narrow elite and place few constraints on the exercise of this power. Economic institutions are then often structured by this elite to extract resources from the rest of the society. And History has it that such society are deemed to fail and such nations will perish, what more to say to achieve a  high income economy by 2020 if our economic institutions and our political institutions  remain to be extractive.


Mr. Speaker,


A year ago in this Dewan and many times before, I have brought up the traffic situation at the Kidurong road, about its daily traffic jam especially when going and coming back from work and on rainy days. The situation is getting worst by the day. The other day there was an accident on the road and everybody was stuck. For example it took one and half hours for one to get from the Bintulu Hospital to the traffic light  which is about  half a Kilometer away ! Everybody was furious and upset and said the government of the day  had failed to provide even a very  basic and  proper road for such an important area like Tg. Kidurong and the Samalaju Industrial Park.


As  the road  is the only way to the Petrol-Chemical complexes and the Deep Sea   Port at Tg. Kidurong and now to Samalaju, any small accident could hold up the traffic for hours ! What about in the event of an accident in one of the plant complexes, there is not even an escape route . That is why the need for  building the alternative road and adding new lanes to each side of the Kidurong road   cannot wait anymore.  Furthermore the road surface now is so uneven that driving on it is like Rolling in the Deep! quite difficult really.


Also,  like I have said during the last sitting , the junction at Daiken and Kidurong road and the urgent need to install traffic lights or temporary measures for traffic control there,  so as  to bring down the  accidents,  has to be addressed quickly. We do not need any more accidents before we will act,  do we ?


And the same thing is with the Bintulu/ Miri road from Mile one to six,the urgent need for building a third lane and the connectivity of the inner inter connecting estate roads,   as  the jam on the road is getting more and more serious by the day.


Mr. Speaker,

I must thank the government for responding so  positively to the peoples need  in  re-designing  the traffic flow at the Medan Jaya

commercial centre, the situation has improved a lot especially at the Farley Mini Market and the Shell Gas Station.  The people are very thankful indeed.  I am glad also to see that steps have now been taken to deal with the situation at the junction between Phase 2 and 3 of ParkCity Commerce Square.  The people  trusted that when all is done, the traffic flow will be peoples and business  friendly.  And Syabas

again to you all.


Mr. Speaker,


There are so many road side drains,  on both sides of our Pan Borneo trunk road, especially those  nearer to the town areas, the drains are not functioning. These are  mostly earth drains  and they are either over grown with grass, blocked or just too shallow or not wide enough. As a result whenever it rains,  all the  water in the drain flows onto the road surface , creating  bad flooding on the road as well as damage to  the road , not to mention the constant dirt it leaves behind on the road and else where, dirtying everybody. More specifically I am referring to the stretch of  Bintulu /Miri road from Mile 8 to 11 where the situation is becoming so bad,  especially during the rainy season and I urge that the authority concerned to help rectify the situation there.


Further up the road, around the Similajau area there are about 27 longhouses where the Tuai Rumah have all not been issued with  Tuai Rumah certificates    to be Tuai Rumahs, though they have met all the criteria. Some were told that their longhouses were not long enough, so they extended them longer, after so many years some have almost double the number of families, yet they are still not certified . Like  Rh Jun, Rh Galau, Rh Vicker , Rh Unong, Rh Radin, Rh Tanjong, Rh Manggong,  Rh Mandau,Rh Sibat, Rh Albert Sampang, Rh Rinkai, Rh Langga,  Rh Enkiaw, Rh Kutau,  Rh Rampai, Rh Siga, Rh Surong, Rh Dundang, Rh Sana, Rh Christopher, Rh Simuk, Rh Johhny, Rh Banggau, Rh Silong, Rh Kakong, Rh Padang and others.


They have all applied  and applied to be   certified   and had waited for so long already but up this day they  still have not received the Tuai Rumah certificate  !  But even as such,  these Tuai Rumahs had stood steadfast to protect and uphold their Adat and Traditions and carried out their duties dutifully and diligently towards their ananbiaks.  But that is not just it, as   these days   longhouses and Tuai Rumahs  are faced  with more and more challenges,  greater challenges and new challenges in our ever changing environment. As the  government system these days requires the Tuai Rumah to work for the government,  to help the government, to become the bridge between his longhouse and the government. But when they are not certified then it stops them from helping the government.  So I urge that the government would accelerate to certify them.  And whether the government would consider appointing  a Pengulu along this Bintulu/Miri road area.


Mr. Speaker,


Tuai Rumah Nyalong of Mile 28, Bintulu/Miri road is grateful that the government had laid water pipes up to his long house but is concerned that the pipes are not laid up to  the rest of his anakbiaks who are staying in another block a little distance away from his longhouse. He is also concerned about the electricity which was connected to his old house, and that is right behind his new longhouse , is not moved over to the new house. Today the new longhouse is still without electricity !! Than again the road which is leading up to his longhouse, he asked that it to be tarred.


Rumah Saka Anak Juna, Labang, Bintulu one  of the  longest and oldest longhouses which is just about 8 miles from the Bintulu side of  the Suai Bridge, sits right at  the road side along the Bintulu/Miri road, but  is still without pipe water and grid electricity supply.

This 60 door longhouse must have been there for nearly half a century on their own NCR land yet they still do not have the government supplied water or electricity.


One longhouse folk  told me that the one thing that would be  most regretful to him when he dies  is that he had never have a chance to turn on  the  government  tap water or a switch to turn on the government electricity in his long house for all the days that he had lived in this world. He hopes that his children would not have to wait for another generation to see the light and government water .


Mr. Speaker,


There are so many painful poverty story  about our rural folks.  By right after nearly 50 years of Malaysia we should all have the basic amenities. But the government had not been able to do so. She has failed.  The Lower Sungai Suai areas woo for treated water and grid electricity supply is still not  fulfilled after decades and decades of asking and asking.   From the Malay Kampongs of Kuala Suai and up the river to the longhouses  at Pasir Puteh area, to Kampong Iran and all the way up to  the so many many longhouses along the river, including Temmonggong  and Pemancas Longhouses, they  need governments water supply and electricity very very badly. The same is true with the so many  longhouses along the coastal highway from Kpg Jepak to Kuala Tatau, the electricity lines and water pipe lines pass right by their longhouses but are not connected to their longhouses! The government had planned for 95% of electricity supply and 90% clean water supply to all  rural areas in Sarawak by 2012, that still has yet to be seen.  Even the Suai road which was promised to be built to reach  the Suai Bridge is  no where to be seen finished. It is no wander that more and more of the rural folks are loosing confidence in the government of today.


And lastly Mr. Speaker, when will the Kuala Tatau/ Balingian road be built. It has been too long already too. And how about the sunk perimeter drains for  shops at Fortune Park Commercial Centre , Tg. Batu and other commercial centers, what are the plans for repair. And lastly the reasons for the severe flooding at Kampong Kemunting , Jalan Sibiew affecting hundreds of kampong houses and its remedial plans. And  whether an EIA had been done for the  combined housing development there on the Pulau Sebab, including the 10 chains river reserve requirement. 


Thank you, Mr. Speaker.